'use strict'; function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } } function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || Object.prototype.toString.call(iter) === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); } function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } var rgba = require('color-normalize'); var getBounds = require('array-bounds'); var colorId = require('color-id'); var cluster = require('point-cluster'); var extend = require('object-assign'); var glslify = require('glslify'); var pick = require('pick-by-alias'); var updateDiff = require('update-diff'); var flatten = require('flatten-vertex-data'); var ie = require('is-iexplorer'); var f32 = require('to-float32'); var parseRect = require('parse-rect'); var scatter = Scatter; function Scatter(regl, options) { var _this = this; if (!(this instanceof Scatter)) return new Scatter(regl, options); if (typeof regl === 'function') { if (!options) options = {}; options.regl = regl; } else { options = regl; regl = null; } if (options && options.length) options.positions = options; regl = options.regl; // persistent variables var gl = regl._gl, paletteTexture, palette = [], paletteIds = {}, // state groups = [], // textures for marker keys markerTextures = [null], markerCache = [null]; var maxColors = 255, maxSize = 100; // direct color buffer mode // IE does not support palette anyways this.tooManyColors = ie; // texture with color palette paletteTexture = regl.texture({ data: new Uint8Array(maxColors * 4), width: maxColors, height: 1, type: 'uint8', format: 'rgba', wrapS: 'clamp', wrapT: 'clamp', mag: 'nearest', min: 'nearest' }); extend(this, { regl: regl, gl: gl, groups: groups, markerCache: markerCache, markerTextures: markerTextures, palette: palette, paletteIds: paletteIds, paletteTexture: paletteTexture, maxColors: maxColors, maxSize: maxSize, canvas: gl.canvas }); this.update(options); // common shader options var shaderOptions = { uniforms: { pixelRatio: regl.context('pixelRatio'), palette: paletteTexture, paletteSize: function paletteSize(ctx, prop) { return [_this.tooManyColors ? 0 : maxColors, paletteTexture.height]; }, scale: regl.prop('scale'), scaleFract: regl.prop('scaleFract'), translate: regl.prop('translate'), translateFract: regl.prop('translateFract'), opacity: regl.prop('opacity'), marker: regl.prop('markerTexture') }, attributes: { // FIXME: optimize these parts x: function x(ctx, prop) { return prop.xAttr || { buffer: prop.positionBuffer, stride: 8, offset: 0 }; }, y: function y(ctx, prop) { return prop.yAttr || { buffer: prop.positionBuffer, stride: 8, offset: 4 }; }, xFract: function xFract(ctx, prop) { return prop.xAttr ? { constant: [0, 0] } : { buffer: prop.positionFractBuffer, stride: 8, offset: 0 }; }, yFract: function yFract(ctx, prop) { return prop.yAttr ? { constant: [0, 0] } : { buffer: prop.positionFractBuffer, stride: 8, offset: 4 }; }, size: function size(ctx, prop) { return prop.size.length ? { buffer: prop.sizeBuffer, stride: 2, offset: 0 } : { constant: [Math.round(prop.size * 255 / _this.maxSize)] }; }, borderSize: function borderSize(ctx, prop) { return prop.borderSize.length ? { buffer: prop.sizeBuffer, stride: 2, offset: 1 } : { constant: [Math.round(prop.borderSize * 255 / _this.maxSize)] }; }, colorId: function colorId(ctx, prop) { return prop.color.length ? { buffer: prop.colorBuffer, stride: _this.tooManyColors ? 8 : 4, offset: 0 } : { constant: _this.tooManyColors ? palette.slice(prop.color * 4, prop.color * 4 + 4) : [prop.color] }; }, borderColorId: function borderColorId(ctx, prop) { return prop.borderColor.length ? { buffer: prop.colorBuffer, stride: _this.tooManyColors ? 8 : 4, offset: _this.tooManyColors ? 4 : 2 } : { constant: _this.tooManyColors ? palette.slice(prop.borderColor * 4, prop.borderColor * 4 + 4) : [prop.borderColor] }; }, isActive: function isActive(ctx, prop) { return prop.activation === true ? { constant: [1] } : prop.activation ? prop.activation : { constant: [0] }; } }, blend: { enable: true, color: [0, 0, 0, 1], // photoshop blending func: { srcRGB: 'src alpha', dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha', srcAlpha: 'one minus dst alpha', dstAlpha: 'one' } }, scissor: { enable: true, box: regl.prop('viewport') }, viewport: regl.prop('viewport'), stencil: { enable: false }, depth: { enable: false }, elements: regl.prop('elements'), count: regl.prop('count'), offset: regl.prop('offset'), primitive: 'points' // draw sdf-marker }; var markerOptions = extend({}, shaderOptions); markerOptions.frag = glslify(["precision highp float;\n#define GLSLIFY 1\n\nvarying vec4 fragColor, fragBorderColor;\nvarying float fragWidth, fragBorderColorLevel, fragColorLevel;\n\nuniform sampler2D marker;\nuniform float pixelRatio, opacity;\n\nfloat smoothStep(float x, float y) {\n return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(50.0*(x - y)));\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n float dist = texture2D(marker, gl_PointCoord).r, delta = fragWidth;\n\n // max-distance alpha\n if (dist < 0.003) discard;\n\n // null-border case\n if (fragBorderColorLevel == fragColorLevel || fragBorderColor.a == 0.) {\n float colorAmt = smoothstep(.5 - delta, .5 + delta, dist);\n gl_FragColor = vec4(fragColor.rgb, colorAmt * fragColor.a * opacity);\n }\n else {\n float borderColorAmt = smoothstep(fragBorderColorLevel - delta, fragBorderColorLevel + delta, dist);\n float colorAmt = smoothstep(fragColorLevel - delta, fragColorLevel + delta, dist);\n\n vec4 color = fragBorderColor;\n color.a *= borderColorAmt;\n color = mix(color, fragColor, colorAmt);\n color.a *= opacity;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n }\n\n}\n"]); markerOptions.vert = glslify(["precision highp float;\n#define GLSLIFY 1\n\nattribute float x, y, xFract, yFract;\nattribute float size, borderSize;\nattribute vec4 colorId, borderColorId;\nattribute float isActive;\n\nuniform vec2 scale, scaleFract, translate, translateFract, paletteSize;\nuniform float pixelRatio;\nuniform sampler2D palette;\n\nconst float maxSize = 100.;\nconst float borderLevel = .5;\n\nvarying vec4 fragColor, fragBorderColor;\nvarying float fragPointSize, fragBorderRadius, fragWidth, fragBorderColorLevel, fragColorLevel;\n\nbool isDirect = (paletteSize.x < 1.);\n\nvec4 getColor(vec4 id) {\n return isDirect ? id / 255. : texture2D(palette,\n vec2(\n (id.x + .5) / paletteSize.x,\n (id.y + .5) / paletteSize.y\n )\n );\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n if (isActive == 0.) return;\n\n vec2 position = vec2(x, y);\n vec2 positionFract = vec2(xFract, yFract);\n\n vec4 color = getColor(colorId);\n vec4 borderColor = getColor(borderColorId);\n\n float size = size * maxSize / 255.;\n float borderSize = borderSize * maxSize / 255.;\n\n gl_PointSize = 2. * size * pixelRatio;\n fragPointSize = size * pixelRatio;\n\n vec2 pos = (position + translate) * scale\n + (positionFract + translateFract) * scale\n + (position + translate) * scaleFract\n + (positionFract + translateFract) * scaleFract;\n\n gl_Position = vec4(pos * 2. - 1., 0, 1);\n\n fragColor = color;\n fragBorderColor = borderColor;\n fragWidth = 1. / gl_PointSize;\n\n fragBorderColorLevel = clamp(borderLevel - borderLevel * borderSize / size, 0., 1.);\n fragColorLevel = clamp(borderLevel + (1. - borderLevel) * borderSize / size, 0., 1.);\n}"]); this.drawMarker = regl(markerOptions); // draw circle var circleOptions = extend({}, shaderOptions); circleOptions.frag = glslify(["precision highp float;\n#define GLSLIFY 1\n\nvarying vec4 fragColor, fragBorderColor;\n\nuniform float opacity;\nvarying float fragBorderRadius, fragWidth;\n\nfloat smoothStep(float edge0, float edge1, float x) {\n\tfloat t;\n\tt = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);\n\treturn t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n\tfloat radius, alpha = 1.0, delta = fragWidth;\n\n\tradius = length(2.0 * gl_PointCoord.xy - 1.0);\n\n\tif (radius > 1.0 + delta) {\n\t\tdiscard;\n\t}\n\n\talpha -= smoothstep(1.0 - delta, 1.0 + delta, radius);\n\n\tfloat borderRadius = fragBorderRadius;\n\tfloat ratio = smoothstep(borderRadius - delta, borderRadius + delta, radius);\n\tvec4 color = mix(fragColor, fragBorderColor, ratio);\n\tcolor.a *= alpha * opacity;\n\tgl_FragColor = color;\n}\n"]); circleOptions.vert = glslify(["precision highp float;\n#define GLSLIFY 1\n\nattribute float x, y, xFract, yFract;\nattribute float size, borderSize;\nattribute vec4 colorId, borderColorId;\nattribute float isActive;\n\nuniform vec2 scale, scaleFract, translate, translateFract;\nuniform float pixelRatio;\nuniform sampler2D palette;\nuniform vec2 paletteSize;\n\nconst float maxSize = 100.;\n\nvarying vec4 fragColor, fragBorderColor;\nvarying float fragBorderRadius, fragWidth;\n\nbool isDirect = (paletteSize.x < 1.);\n\nvec4 getColor(vec4 id) {\n return isDirect ? id / 255. : texture2D(palette,\n vec2(\n (id.x + .5) / paletteSize.x,\n (id.y + .5) / paletteSize.y\n )\n );\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n // ignore inactive points\n if (isActive == 0.) return;\n\n vec2 position = vec2(x, y);\n vec2 positionFract = vec2(xFract, yFract);\n\n vec4 color = getColor(colorId);\n vec4 borderColor = getColor(borderColorId);\n\n float size = size * maxSize / 255.;\n float borderSize = borderSize * maxSize / 255.;\n\n gl_PointSize = (size + borderSize) * pixelRatio;\n\n vec2 pos = (position + translate) * scale\n + (positionFract + translateFract) * scale\n + (position + translate) * scaleFract\n + (positionFract + translateFract) * scaleFract;\n\n gl_Position = vec4(pos * 2. - 1., 0, 1);\n\n fragBorderRadius = 1. - 2. * borderSize / (size + borderSize);\n fragColor = color;\n fragBorderColor = borderColor.a == 0. || borderSize == 0. ? vec4(color.rgb, 0.) : borderColor;\n fragWidth = 1. / gl_PointSize;\n}\n"]); // polyfill IE if (ie) { circleOptions.frag = circleOptions.frag.replace('smoothstep', 'smoothStep'); markerOptions.frag = markerOptions.frag.replace('smoothstep', 'smoothStep'); } this.drawCircle = regl(circleOptions); } // single pass defaults Scatter.defaults = { color: 'black', borderColor: 'transparent', borderSize: 0, size: 12, opacity: 1, marker: undefined, viewport: null, range: null, pixelSize: null, count: 0, offset: 0, bounds: null, positions: [], snap: 1e4 // update & redraw }; Scatter.prototype.render = function () { if (arguments.length) { this.update.apply(this, arguments); } this.draw(); return this; }; // draw all groups or only indicated ones Scatter.prototype.draw = function () { var _this2 = this; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var groups = this.groups; // if directly array passed - treat as passes if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0]) && (args[0][0] === null || Array.isArray(args[0][0]))) { args = args[0]; } // FIXME: remove once https://github.com/regl-project/regl/issues/474 resolved this.regl._refresh(); if (args.length) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { this.drawItem(i, args[i]); } } // draw all passes else { groups.forEach(function (group, i) { _this2.drawItem(i); }); } return this; }; // draw specific scatter group Scatter.prototype.drawItem = function (id, els) { var groups = this.groups; var group = groups[id]; // debug viewport // let { viewport } = group // gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST); // gl.scissor(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height); // gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, .5); // gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); if (typeof els === 'number') { id = els; group = groups[els]; els = null; } if (!(group && group.count && group.opacity)) return; // draw circles if (group.activation[0]) { // TODO: optimize this performance by making groups and regl.this props this.drawCircle(this.getMarkerDrawOptions(0, group, els)); } // draw all other available markers var batch = []; for (var i = 1; i < group.activation.length; i++) { if (!group.activation[i] || group.activation[i] !== true && !group.activation[i].data.length) continue; batch.push.apply(batch, _toConsumableArray(this.getMarkerDrawOptions(i, group, els))); } if (batch.length) { this.drawMarker(batch); } }; // get options for the marker ids Scatter.prototype.getMarkerDrawOptions = function (markerId, group, elements) { var range = group.range, tree = group.tree, viewport = group.viewport, activation = group.activation, selectionBuffer = group.selectionBuffer, count = group.count; var regl = this.regl; // direct points if (!tree) { // if elements array - draw unclustered points if (elements) { return [extend({}, group, { markerTexture: this.markerTextures[markerId], activation: activation[markerId], count: elements.length, elements: elements, offset: 0 })]; } return [extend({}, group, { markerTexture: this.markerTextures[markerId], activation: activation[markerId], offset: 0 })]; } // clustered points var batch = []; var lod = tree.range(range, { lod: true, px: [(range[2] - range[0]) / viewport.width, (range[3] - range[1]) / viewport.height] }); // enable elements by using selection buffer if (elements) { var markerActivation = activation[markerId]; var mask = markerActivation.data; var data = new Uint8Array(count); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var id = elements[i]; data[id] = mask ? mask[id] : 1; } selectionBuffer.subdata(data); } for (var l = lod.length; l--;) { var _lod$l = _slicedToArray(lod[l], 2), from = _lod$l[0], to = _lod$l[1]; batch.push(extend({}, group, { markerTexture: this.markerTextures[markerId], activation: elements ? selectionBuffer : activation[markerId], offset: from, count: to - from })); } return batch; }; // update groups options Scatter.prototype.update = function () { var _this3 = this; for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } if (!args.length) return; // passes are as single array if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0])) args = args[0]; var groups = this.groups, gl = this.gl, regl = this.regl, maxSize = this.maxSize, maxColors = this.maxColors, palette = this.palette; this.groups = groups = args.map(function (options, i) { var group = groups[i]; if (options === undefined) return group; if (options === null) options = { positions: null };else if (typeof options === 'function') options = { ondraw: options };else if (typeof options[0] === 'number') options = { positions: options // copy options to avoid mutation & handle aliases }; options = pick(options, { positions: 'positions data points', snap: 'snap cluster lod tree', size: 'sizes size radius', borderSize: 'borderSizes borderSize border-size bordersize borderWidth borderWidths border-width borderwidth stroke-width strokeWidth strokewidth outline', color: 'colors color fill fill-color fillColor', borderColor: 'borderColors borderColor stroke stroke-color strokeColor', marker: 'markers marker shape', range: 'range dataBox databox', viewport: 'viewport viewPort viewBox viewbox', opacity: 'opacity alpha transparency', bounds: 'bound bounds boundaries limits', tooManyColors: 'tooManyColors palette paletteMode optimizePalette enablePalette' }); if (options.positions === null) options.positions = []; if (options.tooManyColors != null) _this3.tooManyColors = options.tooManyColors; if (!group) { groups[i] = group = { id: i, scale: null, translate: null, scaleFract: null, translateFract: null, // buffers for active markers activation: [], // buffer for filtered markers selectionBuffer: regl.buffer({ data: new Uint8Array(0), usage: 'stream', type: 'uint8' }), // buffers with data: it is faster to switch them per-pass // than provide one congregate buffer sizeBuffer: regl.buffer({ data: new Uint8Array(0), usage: 'dynamic', type: 'uint8' }), colorBuffer: regl.buffer({ data: new Uint8Array(0), usage: 'dynamic', type: 'uint8' }), positionBuffer: regl.buffer({ data: new Uint8Array(0), usage: 'dynamic', type: 'float' }), positionFractBuffer: regl.buffer({ data: new Uint8Array(0), usage: 'dynamic', type: 'float' }) }; options = extend({}, Scatter.defaults, options); } // force update triggers if (options.positions && !('marker' in options)) { options.marker = group.marker; delete group.marker; } // updating markers cause recalculating snapping if (options.marker && !('positions' in options)) { options.positions = group.positions; delete group.positions; } // global count of points var hasSize = 0, hasColor = 0; updateDiff(group, options, [{ snap: true, size: function size(s, group) { if (s == null) s = Scatter.defaults.size; hasSize += s && s.length ? 1 : 0; return s; }, borderSize: function borderSize(s, group) { if (s == null) s = Scatter.defaults.borderSize; hasSize += s && s.length ? 1 : 0; return s; }, opacity: parseFloat, // add colors to palette, save references color: function color(c, group) { if (c == null) c = Scatter.defaults.color; c = _this3.updateColor(c); hasColor++; return c; }, borderColor: function borderColor(c, group) { if (c == null) c = Scatter.defaults.borderColor; c = _this3.updateColor(c); hasColor++; return c; }, bounds: function bounds(_bounds, group, options) { if (!('range' in options)) options.range = null; return _bounds; }, positions: function positions(_positions, group, options) { var snap = group.snap; var positionBuffer = group.positionBuffer, positionFractBuffer = group.positionFractBuffer, selectionBuffer = group.selectionBuffer; // separate buffers for x/y coordinates if (_positions.x || _positions.y) { if (_positions.x.length) { group.xAttr = { buffer: regl.buffer(_positions.x), offset: 0, stride: 4, count: _positions.x.length }; } else { group.xAttr = { buffer: _positions.x.buffer, offset: _positions.x.offset * 4 || 0, stride: (_positions.x.stride || 1) * 4, count: _positions.x.count }; } if (_positions.y.length) { group.yAttr = { buffer: regl.buffer(_positions.y), offset: 0, stride: 4, count: _positions.y.length }; } else { group.yAttr = { buffer: _positions.y.buffer, offset: _positions.y.offset * 4 || 0, stride: (_positions.y.stride || 1) * 4, count: _positions.y.count }; } group.count = Math.max(group.xAttr.count, group.yAttr.count); return _positions; } _positions = flatten(_positions, 'float64'); var count = group.count = Math.floor(_positions.length / 2); var bounds = group.bounds = count ? getBounds(_positions, 2) : null; // if range is not provided updated - recalc it if (!options.range && !group.range) { delete group.range; options.range = bounds; } // reset marker if (!options.marker && !group.marker) { delete group.marker; options.marker = null; } // build cluster tree if required if (snap && (snap === true || count > snap)) { group.tree = cluster(_positions, { bounds: bounds }); } // existing tree instance else if (snap && snap.length) { group.tree = snap; } if (group.tree) { var opts = { primitive: 'points', usage: 'static', data: group.tree, type: 'uint32' }; if (group.elements) group.elements(opts);else group.elements = regl.elements(opts); } // update position buffers positionBuffer({ data: f32.float(_positions), usage: 'dynamic' }); positionFractBuffer({ data: f32.fract(_positions), usage: 'dynamic' }); // expand selectionBuffer selectionBuffer({ data: new Uint8Array(count), type: 'uint8', usage: 'stream' }); return _positions; } }, { // create marker ids corresponding to known marker textures marker: function marker(markers, group, options) { var activation = group.activation; // reset marker elements activation.forEach(function (buffer) { return buffer && buffer.destroy && buffer.destroy(); }); activation.length = 0; // single sdf marker if (!markers || typeof markers[0] === 'number') { var id = _this3.addMarker(markers); activation[id] = true; } // per-point markers use mask buffers to enable markers in vert shader else { var markerMasks = []; for (var _i = 0, l = Math.min(markers.length, group.count); _i < l; _i++) { var _id = _this3.addMarker(markers[_i]); if (!markerMasks[_id]) markerMasks[_id] = new Uint8Array(group.count); // enable marker by default markerMasks[_id][_i] = 1; } for (var _id2 = 0; _id2 < markerMasks.length; _id2++) { if (!markerMasks[_id2]) continue; var opts = { data: markerMasks[_id2], type: 'uint8', usage: 'static' }; if (!activation[_id2]) { activation[_id2] = regl.buffer(opts); } else { activation[_id2](opts); } activation[_id2].data = markerMasks[_id2]; } } return markers; }, range: function range(_range, group, options) { var bounds = group.bounds; // FIXME: why do we need this? if (!bounds) return; if (!_range) _range = bounds; group.scale = [1 / (_range[2] - _range[0]), 1 / (_range[3] - _range[1])]; group.translate = [-_range[0], -_range[1]]; group.scaleFract = f32.fract(group.scale); group.translateFract = f32.fract(group.translate); return _range; }, viewport: function viewport(vp) { var rect = parseRect(vp || [gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight]); // normalize viewport to the canvas coordinates // rect.y = gl.drawingBufferHeight - rect.height - rect.y return rect; } }]); // update size buffer, if needed if (hasSize) { var _group = group, count = _group.count, size = _group.size, borderSize = _group.borderSize, sizeBuffer = _group.sizeBuffer; var sizes = new Uint8Array(count * 2); if (size.length || borderSize.length) { for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < count; _i2++) { // we downscale size to allow for fractions sizes[_i2 * 2] = Math.round((size[_i2] == null ? size : size[_i2]) * 255 / maxSize); sizes[_i2 * 2 + 1] = Math.round((borderSize[_i2] == null ? borderSize : borderSize[_i2]) * 255 / maxSize); } } sizeBuffer({ data: sizes, usage: 'dynamic' }); } // update color buffer if needed if (hasColor) { var _group2 = group, _count = _group2.count, color = _group2.color, borderColor = _group2.borderColor, colorBuffer = _group2.colorBuffer; var colors; // if too many colors - put colors to buffer directly if (_this3.tooManyColors) { if (color.length || borderColor.length) { colors = new Uint8Array(_count * 8); for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < _count; _i3++) { var _colorId = color[_i3]; colors[_i3 * 8] = palette[_colorId * 4]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 1] = palette[_colorId * 4 + 1]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 2] = palette[_colorId * 4 + 2]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 3] = palette[_colorId * 4 + 3]; var borderColorId = borderColor[_i3]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 4] = palette[borderColorId * 4]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 5] = palette[borderColorId * 4 + 1]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 6] = palette[borderColorId * 4 + 2]; colors[_i3 * 8 + 7] = palette[borderColorId * 4 + 3]; } } } // if limited amount of colors - keep palette color picking // that saves significant memory else { if (color.length || borderColor.length) { // we need slight data increase by 2 due to vec4 borderId in shader colors = new Uint8Array(_count * 4 + 2); for (var _i4 = 0; _i4 < _count; _i4++) { // put color coords in palette texture if (color[_i4] != null) { colors[_i4 * 4] = color[_i4] % maxColors; colors[_i4 * 4 + 1] = Math.floor(color[_i4] / maxColors); } if (borderColor[_i4] != null) { colors[_i4 * 4 + 2] = borderColor[_i4] % maxColors; colors[_i4 * 4 + 3] = Math.floor(borderColor[_i4] / maxColors); } } } } colorBuffer({ data: colors || new Uint8Array(0), type: 'uint8', usage: 'dynamic' }); } return group; }); }; // get (and create) marker texture id Scatter.prototype.addMarker = function (sdf) { var markerTextures = this.markerTextures, regl = this.regl, markerCache = this.markerCache; var pos = sdf == null ? 0 : markerCache.indexOf(sdf); if (pos >= 0) return pos; // convert sdf to 0..255 range var distArr; if (sdf instanceof Uint8Array || sdf instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) { distArr = sdf; } else { distArr = new Uint8Array(sdf.length); for (var i = 0, l = sdf.length; i < l; i++) { distArr[i] = sdf[i] * 255; } } var radius = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(distArr.length)); pos = markerTextures.length; markerCache.push(sdf); markerTextures.push(regl.texture({ channels: 1, data: distArr, radius: radius, mag: 'linear', min: 'linear' })); return pos; }; // register color to palette, return it's index or list of indexes Scatter.prototype.updateColor = function (colors) { var paletteIds = this.paletteIds, palette = this.palette, maxColors = this.maxColors; if (!Array.isArray(colors)) { colors = [colors]; } var idx = []; // if color groups - flatten them if (typeof colors[0] === 'number') { var grouped = []; if (Array.isArray(colors)) { for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i += 4) { grouped.push(colors.slice(i, i + 4)); } } else { for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < colors.length; _i5 += 4) { grouped.push(colors.subarray(_i5, _i5 + 4)); } } colors = grouped; } for (var _i6 = 0; _i6 < colors.length; _i6++) { var color = colors[_i6]; color = rgba(color, 'uint8'); var id = colorId(color, false); // if new color - save it if (paletteIds[id] == null) { var pos = palette.length; paletteIds[id] = Math.floor(pos / 4); palette[pos] = color[0]; palette[pos + 1] = color[1]; palette[pos + 2] = color[2]; palette[pos + 3] = color[3]; } idx[_i6] = paletteIds[id]; } // detect if too many colors in palette if (!this.tooManyColors && palette.length > maxColors * 4) this.tooManyColors = true; // limit max color this.updatePalette(palette); // keep static index for single-color property return idx.length === 1 ? idx[0] : idx; }; Scatter.prototype.updatePalette = function (palette) { if (this.tooManyColors) return; var maxColors = this.maxColors, paletteTexture = this.paletteTexture; var requiredHeight = Math.ceil(palette.length * .25 / maxColors); // pad data if (requiredHeight > 1) { palette = palette.slice(); for (var i = palette.length * .25 % maxColors; i < requiredHeight * maxColors; i++) { palette.push(0, 0, 0, 0); } } // ensure height if (paletteTexture.height < requiredHeight) { paletteTexture.resize(maxColors, requiredHeight); } // update full data paletteTexture.subimage({ width: Math.min(palette.length * .25, maxColors), height: requiredHeight, data: palette }, 0, 0); }; // remove unused stuff Scatter.prototype.destroy = function () { this.groups.forEach(function (group) { group.sizeBuffer.destroy(); group.positionBuffer.destroy(); group.positionFractBuffer.destroy(); group.colorBuffer.destroy(); group.activation.forEach(function (b) { return b && b.destroy && b.destroy(); }); group.selectionBuffer.destroy(); if (group.elements) group.elements.destroy(); }); this.groups.length = 0; this.paletteTexture.destroy(); this.markerTextures.forEach(function (txt) { return txt && txt.destroy && txt.destroy(); }); return this; }; var extend$1 = require('object-assign'); var reglScatter2d = function reglScatter2d(regl, options) { var scatter$$1 = new scatter(regl, options); var render = scatter$$1.render.bind(scatter$$1); // expose API extend$1(render, { render: render, update: scatter$$1.update.bind(scatter$$1), draw: scatter$$1.draw.bind(scatter$$1), destroy: scatter$$1.destroy.bind(scatter$$1), regl: scatter$$1.regl, gl: scatter$$1.gl, canvas: scatter$$1.gl.canvas, groups: scatter$$1.groups, markers: scatter$$1.markerCache, palette: scatter$$1.palette }); return render; }; module.exports = reglScatter2d;