var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var falafel = require('falafel'); var glob = require('glob'); var madge = require('madge'); var readLastLines = require('read-last-lines'); var eslint = require('eslint'); var trueCasePath = require('true-case-path').trueCasePathSync; var common = require('./util/common'); var isJasmineTestIt = common.isJasmineTestIt; var isJasmineTestDescribe = common.isJasmineTestDescribe; var hasJasmineTestTag = common.hasJasmineTestTag; var constants = require('./util/constants'); var srcGlob = path.join(constants.pathToSrc, '**/*.js'); var libGlob = path.join(constants.pathToLib, '**/*.js'); var testGlob = path.join(constants.pathToJasmineTests, '**/*.js'); var bundleTestGlob = path.join(constants.pathToJasmineBundleTests, '**/*.js'); var EXIT_CODE = 0; // main assertJasmineSuites(); assertSrcContents(); assertFileNames(); assertTrailingNewLine(); assertCircularDeps(); assertES5(); // check for for focus and exclude jasmine blocks function assertJasmineSuites() { var BLACK_LIST = ['fdescribe', 'fit', 'xdescribe', 'xit']; var TAGS = ['noCI', 'noCIdep', 'gl', 'flaky']; var IT_ONLY_TAGS = ['gl', 'flaky']; var logs = []; var addTagPrefix = function(t) { return '@' + t; }; glob(combineGlobs([testGlob, bundleTestGlob]), function(err, files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var code = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'); var bn = path.basename(file); falafel(code, {locations: true}, function(node) { var lineInfo = '[line ' + node.loc.start.line + '] :'; if(node.type === 'Identifier' && BLACK_LIST.indexOf( !== -1) { logs.push([ bn, lineInfo, 'contains either a *fdescribe*, *fit*,', '*xdescribe* or *xit* block.' ].join(' ')); } if(isJasmineTestIt(node)) { if(hasJasmineTestTag(node)) { if(TAGS.every(function(t) { return !hasJasmineTestTag(node, t); })) { logs.push([ bn, lineInfo, 'contains an unrecognized tag,', 'not one of: ' +', ') ].join(' ')); } } if(hasJasmineTestTag(node, 'gl') && hasJasmineTestTag(node, 'flaky')) { logs.push([ bn, lineInfo, 'contains a @gl tag AND a @flaky tag, which is not allowed' ].join(' ')); } } IT_ONLY_TAGS.forEach(function(t) { if(isJasmineTestDescribe(node, t)) { logs.push([ bn, lineInfo, 'contains a', addTagPrefix(t), 'tag is a *describe* block,', addTagPrefix(t), 'tags are only allowed in jasmine *it* blocks.' ].join(' ')); } }); }); }); log('no jasmine suites focus/exclude blocks or wrong tag patterns', logs); }); } /* * tests about the contents of source (and lib) files: * - check for header comment * - check that we don't have any features that break in IE * - check that we don't use getComputedStyle unexpectedly * - check that require statements use lowercase (to match assertFileNames) * or match the case of the source file */ function assertSrcContents() { var licenseSrc = constants.licenseSrc; var licenseStr = licenseSrc.substring(2, licenseSrc.length - 2); var logs = []; // These are forbidden in IE *only in SVG* but since // that's 99% of what we do here, we'll forbid them entirely // until there's some HTML use case where we need them. // (not sure what we'd do then, but we'd think of something!) var IE_SVG_BLACK_LIST = ['innerHTML', 'parentElement', 'children']; // Forbidden in IE in any context var IE_BLACK_LIST = ['classList']; // not implemented in FF, or inconsistent with others var FF_BLACK_LIST = ['offsetX', 'offsetY']; // require'd built-in modules var BUILTINS = ['events']; var getComputedStyleCnt = 0; glob(combineGlobs([srcGlob, libGlob]), function(err, files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var code = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'); // parse through code string while keeping track of comments var comments = []; falafel(code, {onComment: comments, locations: true}, function(node) { // look for .classList if(node.type === 'MemberExpression') { var source = node.source(); var parts = source.split('.'); var lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1]; if(source === 'Math.sign') { logs.push(file + ' : contains Math.sign (IE failure)'); } else if(source === 'window.getComputedStyle') { getComputedStyleCnt++; } else if(IE_BLACK_LIST.indexOf(lastPart) !== -1) { logs.push(file + ' : contains .' + lastPart + ' (IE failure)'); } else if(IE_SVG_BLACK_LIST.indexOf(lastPart) !== -1) { // add special case for sunburst and treemap where we use 'children' // off the d3-hierarchy output var dirParts = path.dirname(file).split(path.sep); var filename = dirParts[dirParts.length - 1]; var isSunburstOrTreemap = filename === 'sunburst' || filename === 'treemap'; var isLinkedToObject = ['pt', 'd', 'parent', 'node'].indexOf(parts[parts.length - 2]) !== -1; if(!(isSunburstOrTreemap && isLinkedToObject)) { logs.push(file + ' : contains .' + lastPart + ' (IE failure in SVG)'); } } else if(FF_BLACK_LIST.indexOf(lastPart) !== -1) { logs.push(file + ' : contains .' + lastPart + ' (FF failure)'); } } else if(node.type === 'Identifier' && node.source() === 'getComputedStyle') { if(node.parent.source() !== 'window.getComputedStyle') { logs.push(file + ' : getComputedStyle must be called as a `window` property.'); } } else if(node.type === 'CallExpression' && === 'require') { var pathNode = node.arguments[0]; var pathStr = pathNode.value; if(pathNode.type !== 'Literal') { logs.push(file + ' : You may only `require` literals.'); } else if(BUILTINS.indexOf(pathStr) === -1) { // node version 8.9.0+ can use require.resolve(request, {paths: [...]}) // and avoid this explicit conversion to the current location if(pathStr.charAt(0) === '.') { pathStr = path.relative(__dirname, path.join(path.dirname(file), pathStr)); } var fullPath = require.resolve(pathStr); var casedPath = trueCasePath(fullPath); if(fullPath !== trueCasePath(fullPath)) { logs.push(file + ' : `require` path is not case-correct:\n' + fullPath + ' -> ' + casedPath); } } } }); var header = comments[0]; if(!header || header.loc.start.line > 1) { logs.push(file + ' : has no header information.'); return; } if(header.value !== licenseStr) { logs.push(file + ' : has incorrect header information.'); } }); /* * window.getComputedStyle calls are restricted, so we want to be * explicit about it whenever we add or remove these calls. This is * the reason is forbidden as a getter. * * The rule is: * - You MAY NOT call getComputedStyle during rendering a plot, EXCEPT * in calculating autosize for the plot (which only makes sense if * the plot is displayed). Other uses of getComputedStyle while * rendering will fail, at least in Chrome, if the plot div is not * attached to the DOM. * * - You MAY call getComputedStyle during interactions (hover etc) * because at that point it's known that the plot is displayed. * * - You must use the explicit `window.getComputedStyle` rather than * the implicit global scope `getComputedStyle` for jsdom compat. * * - If you use conforms to these rules, you may update * KNOWN_GET_COMPUTED_STYLE_CALLS to count the new use. */ var KNOWN_GET_COMPUTED_STYLE_CALLS = 5; if(getComputedStyleCnt !== KNOWN_GET_COMPUTED_STYLE_CALLS) { logs.push('Expected ' + KNOWN_GET_COMPUTED_STYLE_CALLS + ' window.getComputedStyle calls, found ' + getComputedStyleCnt + '. See ' + __filename + ' for details how to proceed.'); } log('correct headers and contents in lib/ and src/', logs); }); } // check that all file names are in lower case function assertFileNames() { var pattern = combineGlobs([ path.join(constants.pathToRoot, '*.*'), path.join(constants.pathToSrc, '**/*.*'), path.join(constants.pathToLib, '**/*.*'), path.join(constants.pathToDist, '**/*.*'), path.join(constants.pathToRoot, 'test', '**/*.*'), path.join(constants.pathToRoot, 'tasks', '**/*.*'), path.join(constants.pathToRoot, 'devtools', '**/*.*') ]); var logs = []; glob(pattern, function(err, files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var base = path.basename(file); if( base === '' || base === '' || base === '' || base === '' || base === '' || file.indexOf('mathjax') !== -1 ) return; if(base !== base.toLowerCase()) { logs.push([ file, ':', 'has a file name containing some', 'non-lower-case characters' ].join(' ')); } }); log('lower case only file names', logs); }); } // check that all files have a trailing new line character function assertTrailingNewLine() { var pattern = combineGlobs([ path.join(constants.pathToSrc, '**/*.glsl'), path.join(constants.pathToRoot, 'test', 'image', 'mocks', '*') ]); var regexNewLine = /\r?\n$/; var regexEmptyNewLine = /^\r?\n$/; var promises = []; var logs = []; glob(pattern, function(err, files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var promise =, 1); promises.push(promise); promise.then(function(lines) { if(!regexNewLine.test(lines)) { logs.push([ file, ':', 'does not have a trailing new line character' ].join(' ')); } else if(regexEmptyNewLine.test(lines)) { logs.push([ file, ':', 'has more than one trailing new line' ].join(' ')); } }); }); Promise.all(promises).then(function() { log('trailing new line character', logs); }); }); } // check circular dependencies function assertCircularDeps() { madge(constants.pathToSrc).then(function(res) { var circularDeps = res.circular(); var logs = []; if(circularDeps.length) { console.log(circularDeps.join('\n')); logs.push('some circular dependencies were found in src/'); } log('circular dependencies: ' + circularDeps.length, logs); }); } // Ensure no ES6 has snuck through into the build: function assertES5() { var CLIEngine = eslint.CLIEngine; var cli = new CLIEngine({ useEslintrc: false, ignore: false, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 5 } }); var files = { return f.dist; }); files.unshift(constants.pathToPlotlyBuild, constants.pathToPlotlyDist); var report = cli.executeOnFiles(files); var formatter = cli.getFormatter(); var errors = []; if(report.errorCount > 0) { console.log(formatter(report.results)); // It doesn't work well to pass formatted logs into this, // so instead pass the empty string in a way that causes // the test to fail errors.push(''); } log('es5-only syntax', errors); } function combineGlobs(arr) { return '{' + arr.join(',') + '}'; } function log(name, logs) { if(logs.length) { console.error('test-syntax error [' + name + ']'); console.error(logs.join('\n')); EXIT_CODE = 1; } else { console.log('ok ' + name); } } process.on('exit', function() { if(EXIT_CODE) { throw new Error('test syntax failed.'); } });