Consistent cross browser mouse wheel events.  [Test it out in your browser here](

# Example

require('mouse-wheel')(function(dx, dy) {
  document.body.innerHTML = '<p>Scroll:' + [dx,dy] + '</p>'

# Install

npm i mouse-wheel


#### `require('mouse-wheel')(element, callback, noScroll)`
Hook an event handler for the mouse wheel on `element`.

* `element` is an optional DOM element, or if unspecified then is the window object.
* `callback(dx, dy, dz, ev)` is called whenever the mouse scrolls
    + `dx, dy, dz` is the amount of scrolling vertically, horizontally and depth-wise in pixels
    + `ev` is the MouseEvent object associated with the event
* `noScroll` is an optional flag, which if set disables scrolling the page

Returns listener function `listener` so that it may be detached later with `element.removeEventListener('wheel', listener)`

# License
(c) 2015 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License