'use strict' const Minipass = require('minipass') const MinipassSized = require('minipass-sized') const Blob = require('./blob.js') const {BUFFER} = Blob const FetchError = require('./fetch-error.js') // optional dependency on 'encoding' let convert try { convert = require('encoding').convert } catch (e) {} const INTERNALS = Symbol('Body internals') const CONSUME_BODY = Symbol('consumeBody') class Body { constructor (bodyArg, options = {}) { const { size = 0, timeout = 0 } = options const body = bodyArg === undefined || bodyArg === null ? null : isURLSearchParams(bodyArg) ? Buffer.from(bodyArg.toString()) : isBlob(bodyArg) ? bodyArg : Buffer.isBuffer(bodyArg) ? bodyArg : Object.prototype.toString.call(bodyArg) === '[object ArrayBuffer]' ? Buffer.from(bodyArg) : ArrayBuffer.isView(bodyArg) ? Buffer.from(bodyArg.buffer, bodyArg.byteOffset, bodyArg.byteLength) : Minipass.isStream(bodyArg) ? bodyArg : Buffer.from(String(bodyArg)) this[INTERNALS] = { body, disturbed: false, error: null, } this.size = size this.timeout = timeout if (Minipass.isStream(body)) { body.on('error', er => { const error = er.name === 'AbortError' ? er : new FetchError(`Invalid response while trying to fetch ${ this.url}: ${er.message}`, 'system', er) this[INTERNALS].error = error }) } } get body () { return this[INTERNALS].body } get bodyUsed () { return this[INTERNALS].disturbed } arrayBuffer () { return this[CONSUME_BODY]().then(buf => buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength)) } blob () { const ct = this.headers && this.headers.get('content-type') || '' return this[CONSUME_BODY]().then(buf => Object.assign( new Blob([], { type: ct.toLowerCase() }), { [BUFFER]: buf } )) } json () { return this[CONSUME_BODY]().then(buf => { try { return JSON.parse(buf.toString()) } catch (er) { return Promise.reject(new FetchError( `invalid json response body at ${ this.url} reason: ${er.message}`, 'invalid-json')) } }) } text () { return this[CONSUME_BODY]().then(buf => buf.toString()) } buffer () { return this[CONSUME_BODY]() } textConverted () { return this[CONSUME_BODY]().then(buf => convertBody(buf, this.headers)) } [CONSUME_BODY] () { if (this[INTERNALS].disturbed) return Promise.reject(new TypeError(`body used already for: ${ this.url}`)) this[INTERNALS].disturbed = true if (this[INTERNALS].error) return Promise.reject(this[INTERNALS].error) // body is null if (this.body === null) { return Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); } if (Buffer.isBuffer(this.body)) return Promise.resolve(this.body) const upstream = isBlob(this.body) ? this.body.stream() : this.body /* istanbul ignore if: should never happen */ if (!Minipass.isStream(upstream)) return Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); const stream = this.size && upstream instanceof MinipassSized ? upstream : !this.size && upstream instanceof Minipass && !(upstream instanceof MinipassSized) ? upstream : this.size ? new MinipassSized({ size: this.size }) : new Minipass() // allow timeout on slow response body const resTimeout = this.timeout ? setTimeout(() => { stream.emit('error', new FetchError( `Response timeout while trying to fetch ${ this.url} (over ${this.timeout}ms)`, 'body-timeout')) }, this.timeout) : null // do the pipe in the promise, because the pipe() can send too much // data through right away and upset the MP Sized object return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if the stream is some other kind of stream, then pipe through a MP // so we can collect it more easily. if (stream !== upstream) { upstream.on('error', er => stream.emit('error', er)) upstream.pipe(stream) } resolve() }).then(() => stream.concat()).then(buf => { clearTimeout(resTimeout) return buf }).catch(er => { clearTimeout(resTimeout) // request was aborted, reject with this Error if (er.name === 'AbortError' || er.name === 'FetchError') throw er else if (er.name === 'RangeError') throw new FetchError(`Could not create Buffer from response body for ${ this.url}: ${er.message}`, 'system', er) else // other errors, such as incorrect content-encoding or content-length throw new FetchError(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${ this.url}: ${er.message}`, 'system', er) }) } static clone (instance) { if (instance.bodyUsed) throw new Error('cannot clone body after it is used') const body = instance.body // check that body is a stream and not form-data object // NB: can't clone the form-data object without having it as a dependency if (Minipass.isStream(body) && typeof body.getBoundary !== 'function') { // create a dedicated tee stream so that we don't lose data // potentially sitting in the body stream's buffer by writing it // immediately to p1 and not having it for p2. const tee = new Minipass() const p1 = new Minipass() const p2 = new Minipass() tee.on('error', er => { p1.emit('error', er) p2.emit('error', er) }) body.on('error', er => tee.emit('error', er)) tee.pipe(p1) tee.pipe(p2) body.pipe(tee) // set instance body to one fork, return the other instance[INTERNALS].body = p1 return p2 } else return instance.body } static extractContentType (body) { return body === null || body === undefined ? null : typeof body === 'string' ? 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' : isURLSearchParams(body) ? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' : isBlob(body) ? body.type || null : Buffer.isBuffer(body) ? null : Object.prototype.toString.call(body) === '[object ArrayBuffer]' ? null : ArrayBuffer.isView(body) ? null : typeof body.getBoundary === 'function' ? `multipart/form-data;boundary=${body.getBoundary()}` : Minipass.isStream(body) ? null : 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' } static getTotalBytes (instance) { const {body} = instance return (body === null || body === undefined) ? 0 : isBlob(body) ? body.size : Buffer.isBuffer(body) ? body.length : body && typeof body.getLengthSync === 'function' && ( // detect form data input from form-data module body._lengthRetrievers && /* istanbul ignore next */ body._lengthRetrievers.length == 0 || // 1.x body.hasKnownLength && body.hasKnownLength()) // 2.x ? body.getLengthSync() : null } static writeToStream (dest, instance) { const {body} = instance; if (body === null || body === undefined) dest.end() else if (Buffer.isBuffer(body) || typeof body === 'string') dest.end(body) else { // body is stream or blob const stream = isBlob(body) ? body.stream() : body stream.on('error', er => dest.emit('error', er)).pipe(dest) } return dest } } Object.defineProperties(Body.prototype, { body: { enumerable: true }, bodyUsed: { enumerable: true }, arrayBuffer: { enumerable: true }, blob: { enumerable: true }, json: { enumerable: true }, text: { enumerable: true } }); const isURLSearchParams = obj => // Duck-typing as a necessary condition. (typeof obj !== 'object' || typeof obj.append !== 'function' || typeof obj.delete !== 'function' || typeof obj.get !== 'function' || typeof obj.getAll !== 'function' || typeof obj.has !== 'function' || typeof obj.set !== 'function') ? false // Brand-checking and more duck-typing as optional condition. : obj.constructor.name === 'URLSearchParams' || Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object URLSearchParams]' || typeof obj.sort === 'function' const isBlob = obj => typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.arrayBuffer === 'function' && typeof obj.type === 'string' && typeof obj.stream === 'function' && typeof obj.constructor === 'function' && typeof obj.constructor.name === 'string' && /^(Blob|File)$/.test(obj.constructor.name) && /^(Blob|File)$/.test(obj[Symbol.toStringTag]) const convertBody = (buffer, headers) => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof convert !== 'function') throw new Error('The package `encoding` must be installed to use the textConverted() function') const ct = headers && headers.get('content-type') let charset = 'utf-8' let res, str // header if (ct) res = /charset=([^;]*)/i.exec(ct) // no charset in content type, peek at response body for at most 1024 bytes str = buffer.slice(0, 1024).toString() // html5 if (!res && str) res = /