'use strict' let Font = require('css-font') let pick = require('pick-by-alias') let createRegl = require('regl') let createGl = require('gl-util/context') let WeakMap = require('es6-weak-map') let rgba = require('color-normalize') let fontAtlas = require('font-atlas') let pool = require('typedarray-pool') let parseRect = require('parse-rect') let isObj = require('is-plain-obj') let parseUnit = require('parse-unit') let px = require('to-px') let kerning = require('detect-kerning') let extend = require('object-assign') let metrics = require('font-measure') let flatten = require('flatten-vertex-data') let { nextPow2 } = require('bit-twiddle') let shaderCache = new WeakMap // Safari does not support font-stretch let isStretchSupported = false if (document.body) { let el = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) el.style.font = 'italic small-caps bold condensed 16px/2 cursive' if (getComputedStyle(el).fontStretch) { isStretchSupported = true } document.body.removeChild(el) } class GlText { constructor (o) { if (isRegl(o)) { o = {regl: o} this.gl = o.regl._gl } else { this.gl = createGl(o) } this.shader = shaderCache.get(this.gl) if (!this.shader) { this.regl = o.regl || createRegl({ gl: this.gl }) } else { this.regl = this.shader.regl } this.charBuffer = this.regl.buffer({ type: 'uint8', usage: 'stream' }) this.sizeBuffer = this.regl.buffer({ type: 'float', usage: 'stream' }) if (!this.shader) { this.shader = this.createShader() shaderCache.set(this.gl, this.shader) } this.batch = [] // multiple options initial state this.fontSize = [] this.font = [] this.fontAtlas = [] this.draw = this.shader.draw.bind(this) this.render = function () { // FIXME: add Safari regl report here: // charBuffer and width just do not trigger this.regl._refresh() this.draw(this.batch) } this.canvas = this.gl.canvas this.update(isObj(o) ? o : {}) } createShader () { let regl = this.regl // FIXME: store 2 shader versions: with normal viewport and without // draw texture method let draw = regl({ blend: { enable: true, color: [0,0,0,1], func: { srcRGB: 'src alpha', dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha', srcAlpha: 'one minus dst alpha', dstAlpha: 'one' } }, stencil: {enable: false}, depth: {enable: false}, count: regl.prop('count'), offset: regl.prop('offset'), attributes: { charOffset: { offset: 4, stride: 8, buffer: regl.this('sizeBuffer') }, width: { offset: 0, stride: 8, buffer: regl.this('sizeBuffer') }, char: regl.this('charBuffer'), position: regl.this('position') }, uniforms: { atlasSize: (c, p) => [p.atlas.width, p.atlas.height], atlasDim: (c, p) => [p.atlas.cols, p.atlas.rows], atlas: (c, p) => p.atlas.texture, charStep: (c, p) => p.atlas.step, em: (c, p) => p.atlas.em, color: regl.prop('color'), opacity: regl.prop('opacity'), viewport: regl.this('viewportArray'), scale: regl.this('scale'), align: regl.prop('align'), baseline: regl.prop('baseline'), translate: regl.this('translate'), positionOffset: regl.prop('positionOffset') }, primitive: 'points', viewport: regl.this('viewport'), vert: ` precision highp float; attribute float width, charOffset, char; attribute vec2 position; uniform float fontSize, charStep, em, align, baseline; uniform vec4 viewport; uniform vec4 color; uniform vec2 atlasSize, atlasDim, scale, translate, positionOffset; varying vec2 charCoord, charId; varying float charWidth; varying vec4 fontColor; void main () { ${ !GlText.normalViewport ? 'vec2 positionOffset = vec2(positionOffset.x,- positionOffset.y);' : '' } vec2 offset = floor(em * (vec2(align + charOffset, baseline) + positionOffset)) / (viewport.zw * scale.xy); vec2 position = (position + translate) * scale; position += offset * scale; ${ GlText.normalViewport ? 'position.y = 1. - position.y;' : '' } charCoord = position * viewport.zw + viewport.xy; gl_Position = vec4(position * 2. - 1., 0, 1); gl_PointSize = charStep; charId.x = mod(char, atlasDim.x); charId.y = floor(char / atlasDim.x); charWidth = width * em; fontColor = color / 255.; }`, frag: ` precision highp float; uniform sampler2D atlas; uniform float fontSize, charStep, opacity; uniform vec2 atlasSize; uniform vec4 viewport; varying vec4 fontColor; varying vec2 charCoord, charId; varying float charWidth; float lightness(vec4 color) { return color.r * 0.299 + color.g * 0.587 + color.b * 0.114; } void main () { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy - charCoord + charStep * .5; float halfCharStep = floor(charStep * .5 + .5); // invert y and shift by 1px (FF expecially needs that) uv.y = charStep - uv.y; // ignore points outside of character bounding box float halfCharWidth = ceil(charWidth * .5); if (floor(uv.x) > halfCharStep + halfCharWidth || floor(uv.x) < halfCharStep - halfCharWidth) return; uv += charId * charStep; uv = uv / atlasSize; vec4 color = fontColor; vec4 mask = texture2D(atlas, uv); float maskY = lightness(mask); // float colorY = lightness(color); color.a *= maskY; color.a *= opacity; // color.a += .1; // antialiasing, see yiq color space y-channel formula // color.rgb += (1. - color.rgb) * (1. - mask.rgb); gl_FragColor = color; }` }) // per font-size atlas let atlas = {} return { regl, draw, atlas } } update (o) { if (typeof o === 'string') o = { text: o } else if (!o) return // FIXME: make this a static transform or more general approact o = pick(o, { position: 'position positions coord coords coordinates', font: 'font fontFace fontface typeface cssFont css-font family fontFamily', fontSize: 'fontSize fontsize size font-size', text: 'text texts chars characters value values symbols', align: 'align alignment textAlign textbaseline', baseline: 'baseline textBaseline textbaseline', direction: 'dir direction textDirection', color: 'color colour fill fill-color fillColor textColor textcolor', kerning: 'kerning kern', range: 'range dataBox', viewport: 'vp viewport viewBox viewbox viewPort', opacity: 'opacity alpha transparency visible visibility opaque', offset: 'offset positionOffset padding shift indent indentation' }, true) if (o.opacity != null) { if (Array.isArray(o.opacity)) { this.opacity = o.opacity.map(o => parseFloat(o)) } else { this.opacity = parseFloat(o.opacity) } } if (o.viewport != null) { this.viewport = parseRect(o.viewport) if (GlText.normalViewport) { this.viewport.y = this.canvas.height - this.viewport.y - this.viewport.height } this.viewportArray = [this.viewport.x, this.viewport.y, this.viewport.width, this.viewport.height] } if (this.viewport == null) { this.viewport = { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.gl.drawingBufferWidth, height: this.gl.drawingBufferHeight } this.viewportArray = [this.viewport.x, this.viewport.y, this.viewport.width, this.viewport.height] } if (o.kerning != null) this.kerning = o.kerning if (o.offset != null) { if (typeof o.offset === 'number') o.offset = [o.offset, 0] this.positionOffset = flatten(o.offset) } if (o.direction) this.direction = o.direction if (o.range) { this.range = o.range this.scale = [1 / (o.range[2] - o.range[0]), 1 / (o.range[3] - o.range[1])] this.translate = [-o.range[0], -o.range[1]] } if (o.scale) this.scale = o.scale if (o.translate) this.translate = o.translate // default scale corresponds to viewport if (!this.scale) this.scale = [1 / this.viewport.width, 1 / this.viewport.height] if (!this.translate) this.translate = [0, 0] if (!this.font.length && !o.font) o.font = GlText.baseFontSize + 'px sans-serif' // normalize font caching string let newFont = false, newFontSize = false // obtain new font data if (o.font) { (Array.isArray(o.font) ? o.font : [o.font]).forEach((font, i) => { // normalize font if (typeof font === 'string') { try { font = Font.parse(font) } catch (e) { font = Font.parse(GlText.baseFontSize + 'px ' + font) } } else font = Font.parse(Font.stringify(font)) let baseString = Font.stringify({ size: GlText.baseFontSize, family: font.family, stretch: isStretchSupported ? font.stretch : undefined, variant: font.variant, weight: font.weight, style: font.style }) let unit = parseUnit(font.size) let fs = Math.round(unit[0] * px(unit[1])) if (fs !== this.fontSize[i]) { newFontSize = true this.fontSize[i] = fs } // calc new font metrics/atlas if (!this.font[i] || baseString != this.font[i].baseString) { newFont = true // obtain font cache or create one this.font[i] = GlText.fonts[baseString] if (!this.font[i]) { let family = font.family.join(', ') let style = [font.style] if (font.style != font.variant) style.push(font.variant) if (font.variant != font.weight) style.push(font.weight) if (isStretchSupported && font.weight != font.stretch) style.push(font.stretch) this.font[i] = { baseString, // typeface family, weight: font.weight, stretch: font.stretch, style: font.style, variant: font.variant, // widths of characters width: {}, // kernin pairs offsets kerning: {}, metrics: metrics(family, { origin: 'top', fontSize: GlText.baseFontSize, fontStyle: style.join(' ') }) } GlText.fonts[baseString] = this.font[i] } } }) } // FIXME: make independend font-size // if (o.fontSize) { // let unit = parseUnit(o.fontSize) // let fs = Math.round(unit[0] * px(unit[1])) // if (fs != this.fontSize) { // newFontSize = true // this.fontSize = fs // } // } if (newFont || newFontSize) { this.font.forEach((font, i) => { let fontString = Font.stringify({ size: this.fontSize[i], family: font.family, stretch: isStretchSupported ? font.stretch : undefined, variant: font.variant, weight: font.weight, style: font.style }) // calc new font size atlas this.fontAtlas[i] = this.shader.atlas[fontString] if (!this.fontAtlas[i]) { let metrics = font.metrics this.shader.atlas[fontString] = this.fontAtlas[i] = { fontString, // even step is better for rendered characters step: Math.ceil(this.fontSize[i] * metrics.bottom * .5) * 2, em: this.fontSize[i], cols: 0, rows: 0, height: 0, width: 0, chars: [], ids: {}, texture: this.regl.texture() } } // bump atlas characters if (o.text == null) o.text = this.text }) } // if multiple positions - duplicate text arguments // FIXME: this possibly can be done better to avoid array spawn if (typeof o.text === 'string' && o.position && o.position.length > 2) { let textArray = Array(o.position.length * .5) for (let i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) { textArray[i] = o.text } o.text = textArray } // calculate offsets for the new font/text let newAtlasChars if (o.text != null || newFont) { // FIXME: ignore spaces // text offsets within the text buffer this.textOffsets = [0] if (Array.isArray(o.text)) { this.count = o.text[0].length this.counts = [this.count] for (let i = 1; i < o.text.length; i++) { this.textOffsets[i] = this.textOffsets[i - 1] + o.text[i - 1].length this.count += o.text[i].length this.counts.push(o.text[i].length) } this.text = o.text.join('') } else { this.text = o.text this.count = this.text.length this.counts = [this.count] } newAtlasChars = [] // detect & measure new characters this.font.forEach((font, idx) => { GlText.atlasContext.font = font.baseString let atlas = this.fontAtlas[idx] for (let i = 0; i < this.text.length; i++) { let char = this.text.charAt(i) if (atlas.ids[char] == null) { atlas.ids[char] = atlas.chars.length atlas.chars.push(char) newAtlasChars.push(char) } if (font.width[char] == null) { font.width[char] = GlText.atlasContext.measureText(char).width / GlText.baseFontSize // measure kerning pairs for the new character if (this.kerning) { let pairs = [] for (let baseChar in font.width) { pairs.push(baseChar + char, char + baseChar) } extend(font.kerning, kerning(font.family, { pairs })) } } } }) } // create single position buffer (faster than batch or multiple separate instances) if (o.position) { if (o.position.length > 2) { let flat = !o.position[0].length let positionData = pool.mallocFloat(this.count * 2) for (let i = 0, ptr = 0; i < this.counts.length; i++) { let count = this.counts[i] if (flat) { for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { positionData[ptr++] = o.position[i * 2] positionData[ptr++] = o.position[i * 2 + 1] } } else { for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { positionData[ptr++] = o.position[i][0] positionData[ptr++] = o.position[i][1] } } } if (this.position.call) { this.position({ type: 'float', data: positionData }) } else { this.position = this.regl.buffer({ type: 'float', data: positionData }) } pool.freeFloat(positionData) } else { if (this.position.destroy) this.position.destroy() this.position = { constant: o.position } } } // populate text/offset buffers if font/text has changed // as [charWidth, offset, charWidth, offset...] // that is in em units since font-size can change often if (o.text || newFont) { let charIds = pool.mallocUint8(this.count) let sizeData = pool.mallocFloat(this.count * 2) this.textWidth = [] for (let i = 0, ptr = 0; i < this.counts.length; i++) { let count = this.counts[i] let font = this.font[i] || this.font[0] let atlas = this.fontAtlas[i] || this.fontAtlas[0] for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { let char = this.text.charAt(ptr) let prevChar = this.text.charAt(ptr - 1) charIds[ptr] = atlas.ids[char] sizeData[ptr * 2] = font.width[char] if (j) { let prevWidth = sizeData[ptr * 2 - 2] let currWidth = sizeData[ptr * 2] let prevOffset = sizeData[ptr * 2 - 1] let offset = prevOffset + prevWidth * .5 + currWidth * .5; if (this.kerning) { let kerning = font.kerning[prevChar + char] if (kerning) { offset += kerning * 1e-3 } } sizeData[ptr * 2 + 1] = offset } else { sizeData[ptr * 2 + 1] = sizeData[ptr * 2] * .5 } ptr++ } this.textWidth.push( !sizeData.length ? 0 : // last offset + half last width sizeData[ptr * 2 - 2] * .5 + sizeData[ptr * 2 - 1] ) } // bump recalc align offset if (!o.align) o.align = this.align this.charBuffer({data: charIds, type: 'uint8', usage: 'stream'}) this.sizeBuffer({data: sizeData, type: 'float', usage: 'stream'}) pool.freeUint8(charIds) pool.freeFloat(sizeData) // udpate font atlas and texture if (newAtlasChars.length) { this.font.forEach((font, i) => { let atlas = this.fontAtlas[i] // FIXME: insert metrics-based ratio here let step = atlas.step let maxCols = Math.floor(GlText.maxAtlasSize / step) let cols = Math.min(maxCols, atlas.chars.length) let rows = Math.ceil(atlas.chars.length / cols) let atlasWidth = nextPow2( cols * step ) // let atlasHeight = Math.min(rows * step + step * .5, GlText.maxAtlasSize); let atlasHeight = nextPow2( rows * step ); atlas.width = atlasWidth atlas.height = atlasHeight; atlas.rows = rows atlas.cols = cols if (!atlas.em) return atlas.texture({ data: fontAtlas({ canvas: GlText.atlasCanvas, font: atlas.fontString, chars: atlas.chars, shape: [atlasWidth, atlasHeight], step: [step, step] }) }) }) } } if (o.align) { this.align = o.align this.alignOffset = this.textWidth.map((textWidth, i) => { let align = !Array.isArray(this.align) ? this.align : this.align.length > 1 ? this.align[i] : this.align[0] if (typeof align === 'number') return align switch (align) { case 'right': case 'end': return -textWidth case 'center': case 'centre': case 'middle': return -textWidth * .5 } return 0 }) } if (this.baseline == null && o.baseline == null) { o.baseline = 0 } if (o.baseline != null) { this.baseline = o.baseline if (!Array.isArray(this.baseline)) this.baseline = [this.baseline] this.baselineOffset = this.baseline.map((baseline, i) => { let m = (this.font[i] || this.font[0]).metrics let base = 0 base += m.bottom * .5 if (typeof baseline === 'number') { base += (baseline - m.baseline) } else { base += -m[baseline] } if (!GlText.normalViewport) base *= -1 return base }) } // flatten colors to a single uint8 array if (o.color != null) { if (!o.color) o.color = 'transparent' // single color if (typeof o.color === 'string' || !isNaN(o.color)) { this.color = rgba(o.color, 'uint8') } // array else { let colorData // flat array if (typeof o.color[0] === 'number' && o.color.length > this.counts.length) { let l = o.color.length colorData = pool.mallocUint8(l) let sub = (o.color.subarray || o.color.slice).bind(o.color) for (let i = 0; i < l; i += 4) { colorData.set(rgba(sub(i, i + 4), 'uint8'), i) } } // nested array else { let l = o.color.length colorData = pool.mallocUint8(l * 4) for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { colorData.set(rgba(o.color[i] || 0, 'uint8'), i * 4) } } this.color = colorData } } // update render batch if (o.position || o.text || o.color || o.baseline || o.align || o.font || o.offset || o.opacity) { let isBatch = (this.color.length > 4) || (this.baselineOffset.length > 1) || (this.align && this.align.length > 1) || (this.fontAtlas.length > 1) || (this.positionOffset.length > 2) if (isBatch) { let length = Math.max( this.position.length * .5 || 0, this.color.length * .25 || 0, this.baselineOffset.length || 0, this.alignOffset.length || 0, this.font.length || 0, this.opacity.length || 0, this.positionOffset.length * .5 || 0 ) this.batch = Array(length) for (let i = 0; i < this.batch.length; i++) { this.batch[i] = { count: this.counts.length > 1 ? this.counts[i] : this.counts[0], offset: this.textOffsets.length > 1 ? this.textOffsets[i] : this.textOffsets[0], color: !this.color ? [0,0,0,255] : this.color.length <= 4 ? this.color : this.color.subarray(i * 4, i * 4 + 4), opacity: Array.isArray(this.opacity) ? this.opacity[i] : this.opacity, baseline: this.baselineOffset[i] != null ? this.baselineOffset[i] : this.baselineOffset[0], align: !this.align ? 0 : this.alignOffset[i] != null ? this.alignOffset[i] : this.alignOffset[0], atlas: this.fontAtlas[i] || this.fontAtlas[0], positionOffset: this.positionOffset.length > 2 ? this.positionOffset.subarray(i * 2, i * 2 + 2) : this.positionOffset } } } // single-color, single-baseline, single-align batch is faster to render else { if (this.count) { this.batch = [{ count: this.count, offset: 0, color: this.color || [0,0,0,255], opacity: Array.isArray(this.opacity) ? this.opacity[0] : this.opacity, baseline: this.baselineOffset[0], align: this.alignOffset ? this.alignOffset[0] : 0, atlas: this.fontAtlas[0], positionOffset: this.positionOffset }] } else { this.batch = [] } } } } destroy () { // TODO: count instances of atlases and destroy all on null } } // defaults GlText.prototype.kerning = true GlText.prototype.position = { constant: new Float32Array(2) } GlText.prototype.translate = null GlText.prototype.scale = null GlText.prototype.font = null GlText.prototype.text = '' GlText.prototype.positionOffset = [0, 0] GlText.prototype.opacity = 1 GlText.prototype.color = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 255]) GlText.prototype.alignOffset = [0, 0] // whether viewport should be top↓bottom 2d one (true) or webgl one (false) GlText.normalViewport = false // size of an atlas GlText.maxAtlasSize = 1024 // font atlas canvas is singleton GlText.atlasCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') GlText.atlasContext = GlText.atlasCanvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: false}) // font-size used for metrics, atlas step calculation GlText.baseFontSize = 64 // fonts storage GlText.fonts = {} // max number of different font atlases/textures cached // FIXME: enable atlas size limitation via LRU // GlText.atlasCacheSize = 64 function isRegl (o) { return typeof o === 'function' && o._gl && o.prop && o.texture && o.buffer } module.exports = GlText