# fs-es6 Simple FileSystem API in the browser > fs-es6 is a module that emulates in-browser the Node JS file system API using the FileSystem API of HTML5. fs-es6 can create, read, navigate, and write in the local file system nicely. ## Installation ```shell npm install fs-es6 ``` Here's a using the LocalStorage-backed file system: ## Usage The following is an example of simple use that creates a `canisLupus` folder in the `/tmp` path. ```js import fs from 'fs-es6' fs.mkdirSync('/tmp/canisLupus').then() ``` ## Override the `fs` module You can map your project to use this module in place of the standard Node.js fs module by adding a _browser_ object like so into the package.json before running the browserify command. Just make sure fs-es6 is installed as a dependency first. ```json "browser": { "fs": "fs-es6" } ``` For more info check out the [Browserify Handbook](https://github.com/substack/browserify-handbook). ## API fs-es6 has the same interface and many functions like the [standard Node.js API](http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html). #### fs.createWriteStream(path, options) Returns a new WriteStream object. #### fs.writeFile(file, data, callback) Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists. data should be a string. #### fs.writeFileSync(file, data) The synchronous version of fs.writeFile(). #### fs.appendFile(file, data, callback) Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not yet exist. data should be a string. #### fs.appendFileSync(file, data) The synchronous version of fs.appendFile(). #### fs.readFile(file, callback) Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file. #### fs.readFileSync(file) Synchronous version of fs.readFile(). #### fs.unlink(path, callback) Asynchronous delete a file. #### fs.unlinkSync(path) Synchronous version of fs.unlinkSync(). #### fs.readdir(path, callback) Asynchronous reads the contents of a directory. #### fs.readdirSync(path) Synchronous version of fs.readdir(). #### fs.mkdir(path, callback) Asynchronous create a directory. #### fs.mkdirSync(path) Synchronous version of fs.mkdir(). #### fs.rmdir(path, callback) Asynchronous delete a directory. It must be empty. #### fs.rmdirSync(path) Synchronous version of fs.rmdir(). #### fs.exists(path, callback) `deprecated` Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system. Then call the `callback` argument with either true or false. #### fs.existsSync(path) `deprecated` Synchronous version of fs.exists(). #### fs.access(path, callback) Tests a user's permissions for the file or directory specified by `path` #### fs.accessSync(path) Synchronous version of fs.access(). #### fs.stat(path, callback) Get metadata related to a file or directory. #### fs.statSync(path Synchronous version of fs.stat().