import Vue from '../../utils/vue'; // Mixins

import hasListenerMixin from '../../mixins/has-listener';
import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';
import normalizeSlotMixin from '../../mixins/normalize-slot'; // Table helper Mixins

import itemsMixin from './helpers/mixin-items';
import captionMixin from './helpers/mixin-caption';
import colgroupMixin from './helpers/mixin-colgroup';
import stackedMixin from './helpers/mixin-stacked';
import theadMixin from './helpers/mixin-thead';
import tfootMixin from './helpers/mixin-tfoot';
import tbodyMixin from './helpers/mixin-tbody'; // Main table renderer mixin

import tableRendererMixin from './helpers/mixin-table-renderer'; // b-table-lite component definition
// @vue/component

export var BTableLite =
  name: 'BTableLite',
  // Order of mixins is important!
  // They are merged from first to last, followed by this component.
  mixins: [// Required mixins
  hasListenerMixin, idMixin, normalizeSlotMixin, itemsMixin, tableRendererMixin, stackedMixin, theadMixin, tfootMixin, tbodyMixin, // Features Mixins
  // These are pretty lightweight, and are useful for lightweight tables
  captionMixin, colgroupMixin] // render function provided by table-renderer mixin
