import Vue from '../../utils/vue'; import listenOnRootMixin from '../../mixins/listen-on-root'; import normalizeSlotMixin from '../../mixins/normalize-slot'; import { getComponentConfig } from '../../utils/config'; var NAME = 'BNavbarToggle'; // TODO: Switch to using VBToggle directive, will reduce code footprint // Events we emit on $root var EVENT_TOGGLE = 'bv::toggle::collapse'; // Events we listen to on $root var EVENT_STATE = 'bv::collapse::state'; // This private event is NOT to be documented as people should not be using it. var EVENT_STATE_SYNC = 'bv::collapse::sync::state'; // @vue/component export var BNavbarToggle = /*#__PURE__*/ Vue.extend({ name: NAME, mixins: [listenOnRootMixin, normalizeSlotMixin], props: { label: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'label'); } }, target: { type: String, required: true } }, data: function data() { return { toggleState: false }; }, created: function created() { this.listenOnRoot(EVENT_STATE, this.handleStateEvt); this.listenOnRoot(EVENT_STATE_SYNC, this.handleStateEvt); }, methods: { onClick: function onClick(evt) { this.$emit('click', evt); if (!evt.defaultPrevented) { this.$root.$emit(EVENT_TOGGLE,; } }, handleStateEvt: function handleStateEvt(id, state) { if (id === { this.toggleState = state; } } }, render: function render(h) { return h('button', { class: ['navbar-toggler'], attrs: { type: 'button', 'aria-label': this.label, 'aria-controls':, 'aria-expanded': this.toggleState ? 'true' : 'false' }, on: { click: this.onClick } }, [this.normalizeSlot('default') || h('span', { class: ['navbar-toggler-icon'] })]); } });