import Vue from '../../utils/vue'; import { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array'; import { stripTags } from '../../utils/html'; import { getComponentConfig } from '../../utils/config'; import idMixin from '../../mixins/id'; import dropdownMixin from '../../mixins/dropdown'; import normalizeSlotMixin from '../../mixins/normalize-slot'; import { BButton } from '../button/button'; var NAME = 'BDropdown'; export var props = { text: { // Button label type: String, default: '' }, html: { // Button label type: String }, size: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'size'); } }, variant: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'variant'); } }, block: { type: Boolean, default: false }, menuClass: { type: [String, Array, Object], default: null }, toggleTag: { type: String, default: 'button' }, toggleText: { // This really should be toggleLabel type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'toggleText'); } }, toggleClass: { type: [String, Array, Object], default: null }, noCaret: { type: Boolean, default: false }, split: { type: Boolean, default: false }, splitHref: { type: String // default: undefined }, splitTo: { type: [String, Object] // default: undefined }, splitVariant: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'splitVariant'); } }, splitClass: { type: [String, Array, Object], default: null }, splitButtonType: { type: String, default: 'button', validator: function validator(value) { return arrayIncludes(['button', 'submit', 'reset'], value); } }, lazy: { // If true, only render menu contents when open type: Boolean, default: false }, role: { type: String, default: 'menu' } }; // @vue/component export var BDropdown = /*#__PURE__*/ Vue.extend({ name: NAME, mixins: [idMixin, dropdownMixin, normalizeSlotMixin], props: props, computed: { dropdownClasses: function dropdownClasses() { return [this.directionClass, { show: this.visible, // The 'btn-group' class is required in `split` mode for button alignment // It needs also to be applied when `block` is disabled to allow multiple // dropdowns to be aligned one line 'btn-group': this.split || !this.block, // When `block` is enabled and we are in `split` mode the 'd-flex' class // needs to be applied to allow the buttons to stretch to full width 'd-flex': this.block && this.split, // Position `static` is needed to allow menu to "breakout" of the `scrollParent` // boundaries when boundary is anything other than `scrollParent` // See: 'position-static': this.boundary !== 'scrollParent' || !this.boundary }]; }, menuClasses: function menuClasses() { return [this.menuClass, { 'dropdown-menu-right': this.right, show: this.visible }]; }, toggleClasses: function toggleClasses() { return [this.toggleClass, { 'dropdown-toggle-split': this.split, 'dropdown-toggle-no-caret': this.noCaret && !this.split }]; } }, render: function render(h) { var split = h(); var buttonContent = this.normalizeSlot('button-content') || this.html || stripTags(this.text); if (this.split) { var btnProps = { variant: this.splitVariant || this.variant, size: this.size, block: this.block, disabled: this.disabled }; // We add these as needed due to router-link issues with defined property with undefined/null values if (this.splitTo) { = this.splitTo; } else if (this.splitHref) { btnProps.href = this.splitHref; } else if (this.splitButtonType) { btnProps.type = this.splitButtonType; } split = h(BButton, { ref: 'button', props: btnProps, class: this.splitClass, attrs: { id: this.safeId('_BV_button_') }, on: { click: this.onSplitClick } }, [buttonContent]); } var toggle = h(BButton, { ref: 'toggle', staticClass: 'dropdown-toggle', class: this.toggleClasses, props: { tag: this.toggleTag, variant: this.variant, size: this.size, block: this.block && !this.split, disabled: this.disabled }, attrs: { id: this.safeId('_BV_toggle_'), 'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-expanded': this.visible ? 'true' : 'false' }, on: { mousedown: this.onMousedown, click: this.toggle, keydown: this.toggle // Handle ENTER, SPACE and DOWN } }, [this.split ? h('span', { class: ['sr-only'] }, [this.toggleText]) : buttonContent]); var menu = h('ul', { ref: 'menu', staticClass: 'dropdown-menu', class: this.menuClasses, attrs: { role: this.role, tabindex: '-1', 'aria-labelledby': this.safeId(this.split ? '_BV_button_' : '_BV_toggle_') }, on: { keydown: this.onKeydown // Handle UP, DOWN and ESC } }, !this.lazy || this.visible ? this.normalizeSlot('default', { hide: this.hide }) : [h()]); return h('div', { staticClass: 'dropdown b-dropdown', class: this.dropdownClasses, attrs: { id: this.safeId() } }, [split, toggle, menu]); } });