function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } import Vue from '../../utils/vue'; import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge'; import { getComponentConfig } from '../../utils/config'; import { isEvent } from '../../utils/inspect'; import { hasNormalizedSlot, normalizeSlot } from '../../utils/normalize-slot'; var NAME = 'BButtonClose'; var props = { content: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'content'); } }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, ariaLabel: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'ariaLabel'); } }, textVariant: { type: String, default: function _default() { return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'textVariant'); } } }; // @vue/component export var BButtonClose = /*#__PURE__*/ Vue.extend({ name: NAME, functional: true, props: props, render: function render(h, _ref) { var props = _ref.props, data =, slots = _ref.slots, scopedSlots = _ref.scopedSlots; var $slots = slots(); var $scopedSlots = scopedSlots || {}; var componentData = { staticClass: 'close', class: _defineProperty({}, "text-".concat(props.textVariant), props.textVariant), attrs: { type: 'button', disabled: props.disabled, 'aria-label': props.ariaLabel ? String(props.ariaLabel) : null }, on: { click: function click(evt) { // Ensure click on button HTML content is also disabled /* istanbul ignore if: bug in JSDOM still emits click on inner element */ if (props.disabled && isEvent(evt)) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); } } } }; // Careful not to override the default slot with innerHTML if (!hasNormalizedSlot('default', $scopedSlots, $slots)) { componentData.domProps = { innerHTML: props.content }; } return h('button', mergeData(data, componentData), normalizeSlot('default', {}, $scopedSlots, $slots)); } });