@ -38,6 +38,73 @@ mongo = PyMongo(app) |
cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/data/*": {"origins": "*"}}) |
# Retrieve data from client |
@cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) |
@app.route('/data/Reset', methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
def Reset(): |
global DataRawLength |
global DataResultsRaw |
global RANDOM_SEED |
global XData |
XData = [] |
global yData |
yData = [] |
global algorithmList |
algorithmList = [] |
global ClassifierIDsList |
ClassifierIDsList = '' |
# Initializing models |
global classifiersId |
classifiersId = [] |
global classifiersIDwithFI |
classifiersIDwithFI = [] |
global classifiersIDPlusParams |
classifiersIDPlusParams = [] |
global classifierID |
classifierID = 0 |
global resultsList |
resultsList = [] |
global RetrieveModelsList |
RetrieveModelsList = [] |
global allParametersPerformancePerModel |
allParametersPerformancePerModel = [] |
global all_classifiers |
all_classifiers = [] |
global crossValidation |
crossValidation = 3 |
global scoring |
#scoring = {'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'f1_macro': 'f1_weighted', 'precision': 'precision_weighted', 'recall': 'recall_weighted', 'jaccard': 'jaccard_weighted', 'neg_log_loss': 'neg_log_loss', 'r2': 'r2', 'neg_mean_absolute_error': 'neg_mean_absolute_error', 'neg_mean_absolute_error': 'neg_mean_absolute_error'} |
scoring = {'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'f1_macro': 'f1_weighted', 'precision': 'precision_weighted', 'recall': 'recall_weighted', 'jaccard': 'jaccard_weighted'} |
global yPredictProb |
yPredictProb = [] |
global loopFeatures |
loopFeatures = 2 |
global columns |
columns = [] |
global results |
results = [] |
global target_names |
target_names = [] |
return 'The reset was done!' |
# Retrieve data from client |
@cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) |
@app.route('/data/ServerRequest', methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
@ -60,6 +127,9 @@ def RetrieveFileName(): |
global ClassifierIDsList |
ClassifierIDsList = '' |
global algorithmList |
algorithmList = [] |
# Initializing models |
global classifiersId |
@ -71,6 +141,9 @@ def RetrieveFileName(): |
global classifierID |
classifierID = 0 |
global RetrieveModelsList |
RetrieveModelsList = [] |
global resultsList |
resultsList = [] |
@ -87,14 +160,14 @@ def RetrieveFileName(): |
#scoring = {'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'f1_macro': 'f1_weighted', 'precision': 'precision_weighted', 'recall': 'recall_weighted', 'jaccard': 'jaccard_weighted', 'neg_log_loss': 'neg_log_loss', 'r2': 'r2', 'neg_mean_absolute_error': 'neg_mean_absolute_error', 'neg_mean_absolute_error': 'neg_mean_absolute_error'} |
scoring = {'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'f1_macro': 'f1_weighted', 'precision': 'precision_weighted', 'recall': 'recall_weighted', 'jaccard': 'jaccard_weighted'} |
global yPredictProb |
yPredictProb = [] |
global loopFeatures |
loopFeatures = 2 |
global flag |
flag = 0 |
global yPredictProb |
yPredictProb = [] |
global columns |
columns = [] |
global results |
results = [] |
@ -223,8 +296,9 @@ def GridSearch(clf, params, FI): |
PerFeatureAccuracy = [] |
global subset |
global loopFeatures |
global flag |
global yPredictProb |
global columns |
columns = [] |
counter = 0 |
subset = XData |
for i, eachClassifierParams in enumerate(grid.cv_results_['params']): |
@ -244,22 +318,13 @@ def GridSearch(clf, params, FI): |
subset = XData |
else: |
featureSelected = [] |
if (int(''.join(x for x in featureSelection['featureSelection'][loopFeatures] if x.isdigit())) == 1): |
featureSelected.append('petal_l') |
loopFeatures = loopFeatures + 3 |
if (int(''.join(x for x in featureSelection['featureSelection'][loopFeatures] if x.isdigit())) == 1): |
featureSelected.append('petal_w') |
loopFeatures = loopFeatures + 3 |
if (int(''.join(x for x in featureSelection['featureSelection'][loopFeatures] if x.isdigit())) == 1): |
featureSelected.append('sepal_l') |
loopFeatures = loopFeatures + 3 |
if (int(''.join(x for x in featureSelection['featureSelection'][loopFeatures] if x.isdigit())) == 1): |
featureSelected.append('sepal_w') |
loopFeatures = loopFeatures + 3 |
for indices, each in enumerate(XData.columns): |
if (int(''.join(x for x in featureSelection['featureSelection'][loopFeatures] if x.isdigit())) == 1): |
featureSelected.append(each) |
loopFeatures = loopFeatures + 3 |
subset = XData[featureSelected] |
element = (column_index(XData, featureSelected)) |
columns[flag] = element |
flag = flag + 1 |
columns.append(element) |
grid.fit(subset, yData) |
if (FI == 0): |
n_feats = XData.shape[1] |
@ -368,6 +433,8 @@ def InitializeEnsemble(): |
return Results |
# Retrieve data from client |
@cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) |
@app.route('/data/ServerRequestSelPoin', methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
@ -378,6 +445,53 @@ def RetrieveSelClassifiersID(): |
EnsembleModel(ClassifierIDsList, key) |
return 'Everything Okay' |
# Retrieve data from client |
@cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) |
@app.route('/data/FeaturesSelection', methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
def FeatureSelPerModel(): |
global featureSelection |
global loopFeatures |
global ClassifierIDsList |
RetrieveModelsPar = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') |
RetrieveModelsPar = json.loads(RetrieveModelsPar) |
RetrieveModelsParRed = [] |
print(RetrieveModelsPar['brushedAll']) # FIX THIS THING!!!!! |
for j, i in enumerate(RetrieveModelsPar['brushedAll']): |
print(j) |
RetrieveModelsParRed = [for j, i in enumerate(RetrieveModelsPar['brushedAll']) if j not in ClassifierIDsList] |
RetrieveModelsParPandas = pd.DataFrame(RetrieveModelsParRed) |
RetrieveModelsParPandas = RetrieveModelsParPandas.drop(columns=['performance']) |
RetrieveModelsParPandas = RetrieveModelsParPandas.to_dict(orient='list') |
print(RetrieveModelsParPandas) |
RetrieveModels = {} |
for key, value in RetrieveModelsParPandas.items(): |
withoutDuplicates = Remove(value) |
RetrieveModels[key] = withoutDuplicates |
global RetrieveModelsListNew |
RetrieveModelsListNew.append(RetrieveModels) |
loopFeatures = 2 |
featureSelection = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') |
featureSelection = json.loads(featureSelection) |
global algorithmList |
results = [] |
for index, eachalgor in enumerate(algorithmList): |
if (eachalgor == 'KNN'): |
clf = KNeighborsClassifier() |
params = RetrieveModelsListNew[index] |
IF = 0 |
results.append(GridSearch(clf, params, IF)) |
resultsList.append(results[0]) |
else: |
clf = RandomForestClassifier() |
params = RetrieveModelsListNew[index] |
IF = 1 |
results.append(GridSearch(clf, params, IF)) |
resultsList.append(results[0]) |
key = 2 |
EnsembleModel(ClassifierIDsList, key) |
return 'Everything Okay' |
def FunMDS (data): |
mds = MDS(n_components=2, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) |
XTransformed = mds.fit_transform(data).T |
@ -393,19 +507,23 @@ def EnsembleModel (ClassifierIDsList, keyRetrieved): |
global scores |
scores = [] |
global all_classifiersSelection |
all_classifiersSelection = [] |
global columns |
global all_classifiers |
if (keyRetrieved == 0): |
columnsInit = [] |
all_classifiers = [] |
columns = [] |
columns = [XData.columns.get_loc(c) for c in XData.columns if c in XData] |
columnsInit = [XData.columns.get_loc(c) for c in XData.columns if c in XData] |
for index, eachelem in enumerate(algorithmList): |
if (eachelem == 'KNN'): |
for each in resultsList[index][1]: |
all_classifiers.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columns), KNeighborsClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
all_classifiers.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columnsInit), KNeighborsClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
else: |
for each in resultsList[index][1]: |
all_classifiers.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columns), RandomForestClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
all_classifiers.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columnsInit), RandomForestClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
lr = LogisticRegression() |
sclf = StackingCVClassifier(classifiers=all_classifiers, |
@ -413,14 +531,7 @@ def EnsembleModel (ClassifierIDsList, keyRetrieved): |
meta_classifier=lr, |
random_state=RANDOM_SEED, |
n_jobs = -1) |
for clf, label in zip([sclf], |
['StackingClassifier']): |
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(clf, XData, yData, |
cv=crossValidation, scoring='accuracy') |
else: |
all_classifiersSelection = [] |
elif (keyRetrieved == 1): |
ClassifierIDsList = json.loads(ClassifierIDsList) |
for loop in ClassifierIDsList['ClassifiersList']: |
temp = [int(s) for s in re.findall(r'\b\d+\b', loop)] |
@ -432,12 +543,51 @@ def EnsembleModel (ClassifierIDsList, keyRetrieved): |
meta_classifier=lr, |
random_state=RANDOM_SEED, |
n_jobs = -1) |
else: |
columnsReduce = columns.copy() |
lr = LogisticRegression() |
if (len(all_classifiersSelection) == 0): |
all_classifiers = [] |
for index, eachelem in enumerate(algorithmList): |
if (eachelem == 'KNN'): |
for j, each in enumerate(resultsList[index][1]): |
all_classifiers.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columnsReduce[j]), KNeighborsClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
del columnsReduce[0:len(resultsList[index][1])] |
else: |
for j, each in enumerate(resultsList[index][1]): |
all_classifiers.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columnsReduce[j]), RandomForestClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
del columnsReduce[0:len(resultsList[index][1])] |
print(all_classifiers) |
sclf = StackingCVClassifier(classifiers=all_classifiers, |
use_probas=True, |
meta_classifier=lr, |
random_state=RANDOM_SEED, |
n_jobs = -1) |
else: |
for index, eachelem in enumerate(algorithmList): |
if (eachelem == 'KNN'): |
print(resultsList[index][1]) |
for j, each in enumerate(resultsList[index][1]): |
all_classifiersSelection.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columnsReduce[j]), KNeighborsClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
del columnsReduce[0:len(resultsList[index][1])] |
else: |
for j, each in enumerate(resultsList[index][1]): |
all_classifiersSelection.append(make_pipeline(ColumnSelector(cols=columnsReduce[j]), RandomForestClassifier().set_params(**each))) |
del columnsReduce[0:len(resultsList[index][1])] |
print(all_classifiersSelection) |
sclf = StackingCVClassifier(classifiers=all_classifiersSelection, |
use_probas=True, |
meta_classifier=lr, |
random_state=RANDOM_SEED, |
n_jobs = -1) |
for clf, label in zip([sclf], |
['StackingClassifier']): |
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(clf, XData, yData, |
cv=crossValidation, scoring='accuracy') |
for clf, label in zip([sclf], |
['StackingClassifier']): |
scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(clf, XData, yData, |
cv=crossValidation, scoring='accuracy') |
# Sending the final results to be visualized as a line plot |
@app.route('/data/SendFinalResultsBacktoVisualize', methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
@ -461,7 +611,6 @@ def SendToPlot(): |
} |
return jsonify(response) |
algorithmList = [] |
# Retrieve data from client |
@cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) |
@app.route('/data/ServerRequestSelParameters', methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
@ -543,11 +692,12 @@ def RetrieveModelsParam(): |
for key, value in RetrieveModelsParPandas.items(): |
withoutDuplicates = Remove(value) |
RetrieveModels[key] = withoutDuplicates |
global RetrieveModelsList |
RetrieveModelsList.append(RetrieveModels) |
global classifierID |
global algorithmList |
results = [] |
print(algorithm) |
algorithmList.append(algorithm) |
if (algorithm == 'KNN'): |
clf = KNeighborsClassifier() |