# Copyright 2014-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. """Internal class to monitor a topology of one or more servers.""" import os import random import threading import warnings import weakref from bson.py3compat import itervalues, PY3 if PY3: import queue as Queue else: import Queue from pymongo import common from pymongo import periodic_executor from pymongo.pool import PoolOptions from pymongo.topology_description import (updated_topology_description, SERVER_TYPE, TOPOLOGY_TYPE, TopologyDescription) from pymongo.errors import ServerSelectionTimeoutError, ConfigurationError from pymongo.monotonic import time as _time from pymongo.server import Server from pymongo.server_selectors import (any_server_selector, arbiter_server_selector, secondary_server_selector, readable_server_selector, writable_server_selector, Selection) from pymongo.client_session import _ServerSessionPool def process_events_queue(queue_ref): q = queue_ref() if not q: return False # Cancel PeriodicExecutor. while True: try: event = q.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: break else: fn, args = event fn(*args) return True # Continue PeriodicExecutor. class Topology(object): """Monitor a topology of one or more servers.""" def __init__(self, topology_settings): self._topology_id = topology_settings._topology_id self._listeners = topology_settings._pool_options.event_listeners pub = self._listeners is not None self._publish_server = pub and self._listeners.enabled_for_server self._publish_tp = pub and self._listeners.enabled_for_topology # Create events queue if there are publishers. self._events = None self._events_thread = None if self._publish_server or self._publish_tp: self._events = Queue.Queue(maxsize=100) if self._publish_tp: self._events.put((self._listeners.publish_topology_opened, (self._topology_id,))) self._settings = topology_settings topology_description = TopologyDescription( topology_settings.get_topology_type(), topology_settings.get_server_descriptions(), topology_settings.replica_set_name, None, None, topology_settings) self._description = topology_description if self._publish_tp: initial_td = TopologyDescription(TOPOLOGY_TYPE.Unknown, {}, None, None, None, self._settings) self._events.put(( self._listeners.publish_topology_description_changed, (initial_td, self._description, self._topology_id))) for seed in topology_settings.seeds: if self._publish_server: self._events.put((self._listeners.publish_server_opened, (seed, self._topology_id))) # Store the seed list to help diagnose errors in _error_message(). self._seed_addresses = list(topology_description.server_descriptions()) self._opened = False self._lock = threading.Lock() self._condition = self._settings.condition_class(self._lock) self._servers = {} self._pid = None self._max_cluster_time = None self._session_pool = _ServerSessionPool() if self._publish_server or self._publish_tp: def target(): return process_events_queue(weak) executor = periodic_executor.PeriodicExecutor( interval=common.EVENTS_QUEUE_FREQUENCY, min_interval=0.5, target=target, name="pymongo_events_thread") # We strongly reference the executor and it weakly references # the queue via this closure. When the topology is freed, stop # the executor soon. weak = weakref.ref(self._events) self.__events_executor = executor executor.open() def open(self): """Start monitoring, or restart after a fork. No effect if called multiple times. .. warning:: Topology is shared among multiple threads and is protected by mutual exclusion. Using Topology from a process other than the one that initialized it will emit a warning and may result in deadlock. To prevent this from happening, MongoClient must be created after any forking. """ if self._pid is None: self._pid = os.getpid() else: if os.getpid() != self._pid: warnings.warn( "MongoClient opened before fork. Create MongoClient only " "after forking. See PyMongo's documentation for details: " "http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/faq.html#" "is-pymongo-fork-safe") with self._lock: self._ensure_opened() def select_servers(self, selector, server_selection_timeout=None, address=None): """Return a list of Servers matching selector, or time out. :Parameters: - `selector`: function that takes a list of Servers and returns a subset of them. - `server_selection_timeout` (optional): maximum seconds to wait. If not provided, the default value common.SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT is used. - `address`: optional server address to select. Calls self.open() if needed. Raises exc:`ServerSelectionTimeoutError` after `server_selection_timeout` if no matching servers are found. """ if server_selection_timeout is None: server_timeout = self._settings.server_selection_timeout else: server_timeout = server_selection_timeout with self._lock: server_descriptions = self._select_servers_loop( selector, server_timeout, address) return [self.get_server_by_address(sd.address) for sd in server_descriptions] def _select_servers_loop(self, selector, timeout, address): """select_servers() guts. Hold the lock when calling this.""" now = _time() end_time = now + timeout server_descriptions = self._description.apply_selector( selector, address, custom_selector=self._settings.server_selector) while not server_descriptions: # No suitable servers. if timeout == 0 or now > end_time: raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError( self._error_message(selector)) self._ensure_opened() self._request_check_all() # Release the lock and wait for the topology description to # change, or for a timeout. We won't miss any changes that # came after our most recent apply_selector call, since we've # held the lock until now. self._condition.wait(common.MIN_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) self._description.check_compatible() now = _time() server_descriptions = self._description.apply_selector( selector, address, custom_selector=self._settings.server_selector) self._description.check_compatible() return server_descriptions def select_server(self, selector, server_selection_timeout=None, address=None): """Like select_servers, but choose a random server if several match.""" return random.choice(self.select_servers(selector, server_selection_timeout, address)) def select_server_by_address(self, address, server_selection_timeout=None): """Return a Server for "address", reconnecting if necessary. If the server's type is not known, request an immediate check of all servers. Time out after "server_selection_timeout" if the server cannot be reached. :Parameters: - `address`: A (host, port) pair. - `server_selection_timeout` (optional): maximum seconds to wait. If not provided, the default value common.SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT is used. Calls self.open() if needed. Raises exc:`ServerSelectionTimeoutError` after `server_selection_timeout` if no matching servers are found. """ return self.select_server(any_server_selector, server_selection_timeout, address) def _process_change(self, server_description): """Process a new ServerDescription on an opened topology. Hold the lock when calling this. """ td_old = self._description if self._publish_server: old_server_description = td_old._server_descriptions[ server_description.address] self._events.put(( self._listeners.publish_server_description_changed, (old_server_description, server_description, server_description.address, self._topology_id))) self._description = updated_topology_description( self._description, server_description) self._update_servers() self._receive_cluster_time_no_lock(server_description.cluster_time) if self._publish_tp: self._events.put(( self._listeners.publish_topology_description_changed, (td_old, self._description, self._topology_id))) # Wake waiters in select_servers(). self._condition.notify_all() def on_change(self, server_description): """Process a new ServerDescription after an ismaster call completes.""" # We do no I/O holding the lock. with self._lock: # Monitors may continue working on ismaster calls for some time # after a call to Topology.close, so this method may be called at # any time. Ensure the topology is open before processing the # change. # Any monitored server was definitely in the topology description # once. Check if it's still in the description or if some state- # change removed it. E.g., we got a host list from the primary # that didn't include this server. if (self._opened and self._description.has_server(server_description.address)): self._process_change(server_description) def get_server_by_address(self, address): """Get a Server or None. Returns the current version of the server immediately, even if it's Unknown or absent from the topology. Only use this in unittests. In driver code, use select_server_by_address, since then you're assured a recent view of the server's type and wire protocol version. """ return self._servers.get(address) def has_server(self, address): return address in self._servers def get_primary(self): """Return primary's address or None.""" # Implemented here in Topology instead of MongoClient, so it can lock. with self._lock: topology_type = self._description.topology_type if topology_type != TOPOLOGY_TYPE.ReplicaSetWithPrimary: return None return writable_server_selector(self._new_selection())[0].address def _get_replica_set_members(self, selector): """Return set of replica set member addresses.""" # Implemented here in Topology instead of MongoClient, so it can lock. with self._lock: topology_type = self._description.topology_type if topology_type not in (TOPOLOGY_TYPE.ReplicaSetWithPrimary, TOPOLOGY_TYPE.ReplicaSetNoPrimary): return set() return set([sd.address for sd in selector(self._new_selection())]) def get_secondaries(self): """Return set of secondary addresses.""" return self._get_replica_set_members(secondary_server_selector) def get_arbiters(self): """Return set of arbiter addresses.""" return self._get_replica_set_members(arbiter_server_selector) def max_cluster_time(self): """Return a document, the highest seen $clusterTime.""" return self._max_cluster_time def _receive_cluster_time_no_lock(self, cluster_time): # Driver Sessions Spec: "Whenever a driver receives a cluster time from # a server it MUST compare it to the current highest seen cluster time # for the deployment. If the new cluster time is higher than the # highest seen cluster time it MUST become the new highest seen cluster # time. Two cluster times are compared using only the BsonTimestamp # value of the clusterTime embedded field." if cluster_time: # ">" uses bson.timestamp.Timestamp's comparison operator. if (not self._max_cluster_time or cluster_time['clusterTime'] > self._max_cluster_time['clusterTime']): self._max_cluster_time = cluster_time def receive_cluster_time(self, cluster_time): with self._lock: self._receive_cluster_time_no_lock(cluster_time) def request_check_all(self, wait_time=5): """Wake all monitors, wait for at least one to check its server.""" with self._lock: self._request_check_all() self._condition.wait(wait_time) def reset_pool(self, address): with self._lock: server = self._servers.get(address) if server: server.pool.reset() def reset_server(self, address): """Clear our pool for a server and mark it Unknown. Do *not* request an immediate check. """ with self._lock: self._reset_server(address) def reset_server_and_request_check(self, address): """Clear our pool for a server, mark it Unknown, and check it soon.""" with self._lock: self._reset_server(address) self._request_check(address) def update_pool(self): # Remove any stale sockets and add new sockets if pool is too small. with self._lock: for server in self._servers.values(): server._pool.remove_stale_sockets() def close(self): """Clear pools and terminate monitors. Topology reopens on demand.""" with self._lock: for server in self._servers.values(): server.close() # Mark all servers Unknown. self._description = self._description.reset() self._update_servers() self._opened = False # Publish only after releasing the lock. if self._publish_tp: self._events.put((self._listeners.publish_topology_closed, (self._topology_id,))) if self._publish_server or self._publish_tp: self.__events_executor.close() @property def description(self): return self._description def pop_all_sessions(self): """Pop all session ids from the pool.""" with self._lock: return self._session_pool.pop_all() def get_server_session(self): """Start or resume a server session, or raise ConfigurationError.""" with self._lock: session_timeout = self._description.logical_session_timeout_minutes if session_timeout is None: # Maybe we need an initial scan? Can raise ServerSelectionError. if self._description.topology_type == TOPOLOGY_TYPE.Single: if not self._description.has_known_servers: self._select_servers_loop( any_server_selector, self._settings.server_selection_timeout, None) elif not self._description.readable_servers: self._select_servers_loop( readable_server_selector, self._settings.server_selection_timeout, None) session_timeout = self._description.logical_session_timeout_minutes if session_timeout is None: raise ConfigurationError( "Sessions are not supported by this MongoDB deployment") return self._session_pool.get_server_session(session_timeout) def return_server_session(self, server_session, lock): if lock: with self._lock: session_timeout = \ self._description.logical_session_timeout_minutes if session_timeout is not None: self._session_pool.return_server_session(server_session, session_timeout) else: # Called from a __del__ method, can't use a lock. self._session_pool.return_server_session_no_lock(server_session) def is_mongos_non_blocking(self): """Return if we are connected to a Mongos without blocking. If the state is unknown, return False. """ with self._lock: if not self._opened: return False if self._description.topology_type == TOPOLOGY_TYPE.Sharded: return True server_descriptions = self._description.apply_selector( writable_server_selector, None) if not server_descriptions: return False return server_descriptions[0].server_type == SERVER_TYPE.Mongos def _new_selection(self): """A Selection object, initially including all known servers. Hold the lock when calling this. """ return Selection.from_topology_description(self._description) def _ensure_opened(self): """Start monitors, or restart after a fork. Hold the lock when calling this. """ if not self._opened: self._opened = True self._update_servers() # Start or restart the events publishing thread. if self._publish_tp or self._publish_server: self.__events_executor.open() # Ensure that the monitors are open. for server in itervalues(self._servers): server.open() def _reset_server(self, address): """Clear our pool for a server and mark it Unknown. Hold the lock when calling this. Does *not* request an immediate check. """ server = self._servers.get(address) # "server" is None if another thread removed it from the topology. if server: server.reset() # Mark this server Unknown. self._description = self._description.reset_server(address) self._update_servers() def _request_check(self, address): """Wake one monitor. Hold the lock when calling this.""" server = self._servers.get(address) # "server" is None if another thread removed it from the topology. if server: server.request_check() def _request_check_all(self): """Wake all monitors. Hold the lock when calling this.""" for server in self._servers.values(): server.request_check() def _update_servers(self): """Sync our Servers from TopologyDescription.server_descriptions. Hold the lock while calling this. """ for address, sd in self._description.server_descriptions().items(): if address not in self._servers: monitor = self._settings.monitor_class( server_description=sd, topology=self, pool=self._create_pool_for_monitor(address), topology_settings=self._settings) weak = None if self._publish_server: weak = weakref.ref(self._events) server = Server( server_description=sd, pool=self._create_pool_for_server(address), monitor=monitor, topology_id=self._topology_id, listeners=self._listeners, events=weak) self._servers[address] = server server.open() else: self._servers[address].description = sd for address, server in list(self._servers.items()): if not self._description.has_server(address): server.close() self._servers.pop(address) def _create_pool_for_server(self, address): return self._settings.pool_class(address, self._settings.pool_options) def _create_pool_for_monitor(self, address): options = self._settings.pool_options # According to the Server Discovery And Monitoring Spec, monitors use # connect_timeout for both connect_timeout and socket_timeout. The # pool only has one socket so maxPoolSize and so on aren't needed. monitor_pool_options = PoolOptions( connect_timeout=options.connect_timeout, socket_timeout=options.connect_timeout, ssl_context=options.ssl_context, ssl_match_hostname=options.ssl_match_hostname, event_listeners=options.event_listeners, appname=options.appname, driver=options.driver) return self._settings.pool_class(address, monitor_pool_options, handshake=False) def _error_message(self, selector): """Format an error message if server selection fails. Hold the lock when calling this. """ is_replica_set = self._description.topology_type in ( TOPOLOGY_TYPE.ReplicaSetWithPrimary, TOPOLOGY_TYPE.ReplicaSetNoPrimary) if is_replica_set: server_plural = 'replica set members' elif self._description.topology_type == TOPOLOGY_TYPE.Sharded: server_plural = 'mongoses' else: server_plural = 'servers' if self._description.known_servers: # We've connected, but no servers match the selector. if selector is writable_server_selector: if is_replica_set: return 'No primary available for writes' else: return 'No %s available for writes' % server_plural else: return 'No %s match selector "%s"' % (server_plural, selector) else: addresses = list(self._description.server_descriptions()) servers = list(self._description.server_descriptions().values()) if not servers: if is_replica_set: # We removed all servers because of the wrong setName? return 'No %s available for replica set name "%s"' % ( server_plural, self._settings.replica_set_name) else: return 'No %s available' % server_plural # 1 or more servers, all Unknown. Are they unknown for one reason? error = servers[0].error same = all(server.error == error for server in servers[1:]) if same: if error is None: # We're still discovering. return 'No %s found yet' % server_plural if (is_replica_set and not set(addresses).intersection(self._seed_addresses)): # We replaced our seeds with new hosts but can't reach any. return ( 'Could not reach any servers in %s. Replica set is' ' configured with internal hostnames or IPs?' % addresses) return str(error) else: return ','.join(str(server.error) for server in servers if server.error)