# Copyright 2009-present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tools for using Python's :mod:`json` module with BSON documents. This module provides two helper methods `dumps` and `loads` that wrap the native :mod:`json` methods and provide explicit BSON conversion to and from JSON. :class:`~bson.json_util.JSONOptions` provides a way to control how JSON is emitted and parsed, with the default being the legacy PyMongo format. :mod:`~bson.json_util` can also generate Canonical or Relaxed `Extended JSON`_ when :const:`CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS` or :const:`RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS` is provided, respectively. .. _Extended JSON: https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/extended-json.rst Example usage (deserialization): .. doctest:: >>> from bson.json_util import loads >>> loads('[{"foo": [1, 2]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": {"$scope": {}, "$code": "function x() { return 1; }"}}, {"bin": {"$type": "80", "$binary": "AQIDBA=="}}]') [{u'foo': [1, 2]}, {u'bar': {u'hello': u'world'}}, {u'code': Code('function x() { return 1; }', {})}, {u'bin': Binary('...', 128)}] Example usage (serialization): .. doctest:: >>> from bson import Binary, Code >>> from bson.json_util import dumps >>> dumps([{'foo': [1, 2]}, ... {'bar': {'hello': 'world'}}, ... {'code': Code("function x() { return 1; }", {})}, ... {'bin': Binary(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04")}]) '[{"foo": [1, 2]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": {"$code": "function x() { return 1; }", "$scope": {}}}, {"bin": {"$binary": "AQIDBA==", "$type": "00"}}]' Example usage (with :const:`CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS`): .. doctest:: >>> from bson import Binary, Code >>> from bson.json_util import dumps, CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS >>> dumps([{'foo': [1, 2]}, ... {'bar': {'hello': 'world'}}, ... {'code': Code("function x() { return 1; }")}, ... {'bin': Binary(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04")}], ... json_options=CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS) '[{"foo": [{"$numberInt": "1"}, {"$numberInt": "2"}]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": {"$code": "function x() { return 1; }"}}, {"bin": {"$binary": {"base64": "AQIDBA==", "subType": "00"}}}]' Example usage (with :const:`RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS`): .. doctest:: >>> from bson import Binary, Code >>> from bson.json_util import dumps, RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS >>> dumps([{'foo': [1, 2]}, ... {'bar': {'hello': 'world'}}, ... {'code': Code("function x() { return 1; }")}, ... {'bin': Binary(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04")}], ... json_options=RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS) '[{"foo": [1, 2]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": {"$code": "function x() { return 1; }"}}, {"bin": {"$binary": {"base64": "AQIDBA==", "subType": "00"}}}]' Alternatively, you can manually pass the `default` to :func:`json.dumps`. It won't handle :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` and :class:`~bson.code.Code` instances (as they are extended strings you can't provide custom defaults), but it will be faster as there is less recursion. .. note:: If your application does not need the flexibility offered by :class:`JSONOptions` and spends a large amount of time in the `json_util` module, look to `python-bsonjs `_ for a nice performance improvement. `python-bsonjs` is a fast BSON to MongoDB Extended JSON converter for Python built on top of `libbson `_. `python-bsonjs` works best with PyMongo when using :class:`~bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument`. .. versionchanged:: 2.8 The output format for :class:`~bson.timestamp.Timestamp` has changed from '{"t": , "i": }' to '{"$timestamp": {"t": , "i": }}'. This new format will be decoded to an instance of :class:`~bson.timestamp.Timestamp`. The old format will continue to be decoded to a python dict as before. Encoding to the old format is no longer supported as it was never correct and loses type information. Added support for $numberLong and $undefined - new in MongoDB 2.6 - and parsing $date in ISO-8601 format. .. versionchanged:: 2.7 Preserves order when rendering SON, Timestamp, Code, Binary, and DBRef instances. .. versionchanged:: 2.3 Added dumps and loads helpers to automatically handle conversion to and from json and supports :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` and :class:`~bson.code.Code` """ import base64 import datetime import json import math import re import sys import uuid from pymongo.errors import ConfigurationError import bson from bson import EPOCH_AWARE, EPOCH_NAIVE, RE_TYPE, SON from bson.binary import (Binary, JAVA_LEGACY, CSHARP_LEGACY, OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, UUID_SUBTYPE) from bson.code import Code from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions from bson.dbref import DBRef from bson.decimal128 import Decimal128 from bson.int64 import Int64 from bson.max_key import MaxKey from bson.min_key import MinKey from bson.objectid import ObjectId from bson.py3compat import (PY3, iteritems, integer_types, string_type, text_type) from bson.regex import Regex from bson.timestamp import Timestamp from bson.tz_util import utc _RE_OPT_TABLE = { "i": re.I, "l": re.L, "m": re.M, "s": re.S, "u": re.U, "x": re.X, } # Dollar-prefixed keys which may appear in DBRefs. _DBREF_KEYS = frozenset(['$id', '$ref', '$db']) class DatetimeRepresentation: LEGACY = 0 """Legacy MongoDB Extended JSON datetime representation. :class:`datetime.datetime` instances will be encoded to JSON in the format `{"$date": }`, where `dateAsMilliseconds` is a 64-bit signed integer giving the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch UTC. This was the default encoding before PyMongo version 3.4. .. versionadded:: 3.4 """ NUMBERLONG = 1 """NumberLong datetime representation. :class:`datetime.datetime` instances will be encoded to JSON in the format `{"$date": {"$numberLong": ""}}`, where `dateAsMilliseconds` is the string representation of a 64-bit signed integer giving the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch UTC. .. versionadded:: 3.4 """ ISO8601 = 2 """ISO-8601 datetime representation. :class:`datetime.datetime` instances greater than or equal to the Unix epoch UTC will be encoded to JSON in the format `{"$date": ""}`. :class:`datetime.datetime` instances before the Unix epoch UTC will be encoded as if the datetime representation is :const:`~DatetimeRepresentation.NUMBERLONG`. .. versionadded:: 3.4 """ class JSONMode: LEGACY = 0 """Legacy Extended JSON representation. In this mode, :func:`~bson.json_util.dumps` produces PyMongo's legacy non-standard JSON output. Consider using :const:`~bson.json_util.JSONMode.RELAXED` or :const:`~bson.json_util.JSONMode.CANONICAL` instead. .. versionadded:: 3.5 """ RELAXED = 1 """Relaxed Extended JSON representation. In this mode, :func:`~bson.json_util.dumps` produces Relaxed Extended JSON, a mostly JSON-like format. Consider using this for things like a web API, where one is sending a document (or a projection of a document) that only uses ordinary JSON type primitives. In particular, the ``int``, :class:`~bson.int64.Int64`, and ``float`` numeric types are represented in the native JSON number format. This output is also the most human readable and is useful for debugging and documentation. .. seealso:: The specification for Relaxed `Extended JSON`_. .. versionadded:: 3.5 """ CANONICAL = 2 """Canonical Extended JSON representation. In this mode, :func:`~bson.json_util.dumps` produces Canonical Extended JSON, a type preserving format. Consider using this for things like testing, where one has to precisely specify expected types in JSON. In particular, the ``int``, :class:`~bson.int64.Int64`, and ``float`` numeric types are encoded with type wrappers. .. seealso:: The specification for Canonical `Extended JSON`_. .. versionadded:: 3.5 """ class JSONOptions(CodecOptions): """Encapsulates JSON options for :func:`dumps` and :func:`loads`. :Parameters: - `strict_number_long`: If ``True``, :class:`~bson.int64.Int64` objects are encoded to MongoDB Extended JSON's *Strict mode* type `NumberLong`, ie ``'{"$numberLong": "" }'``. Otherwise they will be encoded as an `int`. Defaults to ``False``. - `datetime_representation`: The representation to use when encoding instances of :class:`datetime.datetime`. Defaults to :const:`~DatetimeRepresentation.LEGACY`. - `strict_uuid`: If ``True``, :class:`uuid.UUID` object are encoded to MongoDB Extended JSON's *Strict mode* type `Binary`. Otherwise it will be encoded as ``'{"$uuid": "" }'``. Defaults to ``False``. - `json_mode`: The :class:`JSONMode` to use when encoding BSON types to Extended JSON. Defaults to :const:`~JSONMode.LEGACY`. - `document_class`: BSON documents returned by :func:`loads` will be decoded to an instance of this class. Must be a subclass of :class:`collections.MutableMapping`. Defaults to :class:`dict`. - `uuid_representation`: The BSON representation to use when encoding and decoding instances of :class:`uuid.UUID`. Defaults to :const:`~bson.binary.PYTHON_LEGACY`. - `tz_aware`: If ``True``, MongoDB Extended JSON's *Strict mode* type `Date` will be decoded to timezone aware instances of :class:`datetime.datetime`. Otherwise they will be naive. Defaults to ``True``. - `tzinfo`: A :class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass that specifies the timezone from which :class:`~datetime.datetime` objects should be decoded. Defaults to :const:`~bson.tz_util.utc`. - `args`: arguments to :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions` - `kwargs`: arguments to :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions` .. seealso:: The specification for Relaxed and Canonical `Extended JSON`_. .. versionadded:: 3.4 .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Accepts the optional parameter `json_mode`. """ def __new__(cls, strict_number_long=False, datetime_representation=DatetimeRepresentation.LEGACY, strict_uuid=False, json_mode=JSONMode.LEGACY, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["tz_aware"] = kwargs.get("tz_aware", True) if kwargs["tz_aware"]: kwargs["tzinfo"] = kwargs.get("tzinfo", utc) if datetime_representation not in (DatetimeRepresentation.LEGACY, DatetimeRepresentation.NUMBERLONG, DatetimeRepresentation.ISO8601): raise ConfigurationError( "JSONOptions.datetime_representation must be one of LEGACY, " "NUMBERLONG, or ISO8601 from DatetimeRepresentation.") self = super(JSONOptions, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) if json_mode not in (JSONMode.LEGACY, JSONMode.RELAXED, JSONMode.CANONICAL): raise ConfigurationError( "JSONOptions.json_mode must be one of LEGACY, RELAXED, " "or CANONICAL from JSONMode.") self.json_mode = json_mode if self.json_mode == JSONMode.RELAXED: self.strict_number_long = False self.datetime_representation = DatetimeRepresentation.ISO8601 self.strict_uuid = True elif self.json_mode == JSONMode.CANONICAL: self.strict_number_long = True self.datetime_representation = DatetimeRepresentation.NUMBERLONG self.strict_uuid = True else: self.strict_number_long = strict_number_long self.datetime_representation = datetime_representation self.strict_uuid = strict_uuid return self def _arguments_repr(self): return ('strict_number_long=%r, ' 'datetime_representation=%r, ' 'strict_uuid=%r, json_mode=%r, %s' % ( self.strict_number_long, self.datetime_representation, self.strict_uuid, self.json_mode, super(JSONOptions, self)._arguments_repr())) LEGACY_JSON_OPTIONS = JSONOptions(json_mode=JSONMode.LEGACY) """:class:`JSONOptions` for encoding to PyMongo's legacy JSON format. .. seealso:: The documentation for :const:`bson.json_util.JSONMode.LEGACY`. .. versionadded:: 3.5 """ DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS = LEGACY_JSON_OPTIONS """The default :class:`JSONOptions` for JSON encoding/decoding. The same as :const:`LEGACY_JSON_OPTIONS`. This will change to :const:`RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS` in a future release. .. versionadded:: 3.4 """ CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS = JSONOptions(json_mode=JSONMode.CANONICAL) """:class:`JSONOptions` for Canonical Extended JSON. .. seealso:: The documentation for :const:`bson.json_util.JSONMode.CANONICAL`. .. versionadded:: 3.5 """ RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS = JSONOptions(json_mode=JSONMode.RELAXED) """:class:`JSONOptions` for Relaxed Extended JSON. .. seealso:: The documentation for :const:`bson.json_util.JSONMode.RELAXED`. .. versionadded:: 3.5 """ STRICT_JSON_OPTIONS = JSONOptions( strict_number_long=True, datetime_representation=DatetimeRepresentation.ISO8601, strict_uuid=True) """**DEPRECATED** - :class:`JSONOptions` for MongoDB Extended JSON's *Strict mode* encoding. .. versionadded:: 3.4 .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Deprecated. Use :const:`RELAXED_JSON_OPTIONS` or :const:`CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS` instead. """ def dumps(obj, *args, **kwargs): """Helper function that wraps :func:`json.dumps`. Recursive function that handles all BSON types including :class:`~bson.binary.Binary` and :class:`~bson.code.Code`. :Parameters: - `json_options`: A :class:`JSONOptions` instance used to modify the encoding of MongoDB Extended JSON types. Defaults to :const:`DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS`. .. versionchanged:: 3.4 Accepts optional parameter `json_options`. See :class:`JSONOptions`. .. versionchanged:: 2.7 Preserves order when rendering SON, Timestamp, Code, Binary, and DBRef instances. """ json_options = kwargs.pop("json_options", DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS) return json.dumps(_json_convert(obj, json_options), *args, **kwargs) def loads(s, *args, **kwargs): """Helper function that wraps :func:`json.loads`. Automatically passes the object_hook for BSON type conversion. Raises ``TypeError``, ``ValueError``, ``KeyError``, or :exc:`~bson.errors.InvalidId` on invalid MongoDB Extended JSON. :Parameters: - `json_options`: A :class:`JSONOptions` instance used to modify the decoding of MongoDB Extended JSON types. Defaults to :const:`DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS`. .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Parses Relaxed and Canonical Extended JSON as well as PyMongo's legacy format. Now raises ``TypeError`` or ``ValueError`` when parsing JSON type wrappers with values of the wrong type or any extra keys. .. versionchanged:: 3.4 Accepts optional parameter `json_options`. See :class:`JSONOptions`. """ json_options = kwargs.pop("json_options", DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS) kwargs["object_pairs_hook"] = lambda pairs: object_pairs_hook( pairs, json_options) return json.loads(s, *args, **kwargs) def _json_convert(obj, json_options=DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS): """Recursive helper method that converts BSON types so they can be converted into json. """ if hasattr(obj, 'iteritems') or hasattr(obj, 'items'): # PY3 support return SON(((k, _json_convert(v, json_options)) for k, v in iteritems(obj))) elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, (text_type, bytes)): return list((_json_convert(v, json_options) for v in obj)) try: return default(obj, json_options) except TypeError: return obj def object_pairs_hook(pairs, json_options=DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS): return object_hook(json_options.document_class(pairs), json_options) def object_hook(dct, json_options=DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS): if "$oid" in dct: return _parse_canonical_oid(dct) if "$ref" in dct: return _parse_canonical_dbref(dct) if "$date" in dct: return _parse_canonical_datetime(dct, json_options) if "$regex" in dct: return _parse_legacy_regex(dct) if "$minKey" in dct: return _parse_canonical_minkey(dct) if "$maxKey" in dct: return _parse_canonical_maxkey(dct) if "$binary" in dct: if "$type" in dct: return _parse_legacy_binary(dct, json_options) else: return _parse_canonical_binary(dct, json_options) if "$code" in dct: return _parse_canonical_code(dct) if "$uuid" in dct: return _parse_legacy_uuid(dct) if "$undefined" in dct: return None if "$numberLong" in dct: return _parse_canonical_int64(dct) if "$timestamp" in dct: tsp = dct["$timestamp"] return Timestamp(tsp["t"], tsp["i"]) if "$numberDecimal" in dct: return _parse_canonical_decimal128(dct) if "$dbPointer" in dct: return _parse_canonical_dbpointer(dct) if "$regularExpression" in dct: return _parse_canonical_regex(dct) if "$symbol" in dct: return _parse_canonical_symbol(dct) if "$numberInt" in dct: return _parse_canonical_int32(dct) if "$numberDouble" in dct: return _parse_canonical_double(dct) return dct def _parse_legacy_regex(doc): pattern = doc["$regex"] # Check if this is the $regex query operator. if isinstance(pattern, Regex): return doc flags = 0 # PyMongo always adds $options but some other tools may not. for opt in doc.get("$options", ""): flags |= _RE_OPT_TABLE.get(opt, 0) return Regex(pattern, flags) def _parse_legacy_uuid(doc): """Decode a JSON legacy $uuid to Python UUID.""" if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $uuid, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return uuid.UUID(doc["$uuid"]) def _binary_or_uuid(data, subtype, json_options): # special handling for UUID if subtype == OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE: if json_options.uuid_representation == CSHARP_LEGACY: return uuid.UUID(bytes_le=data) if json_options.uuid_representation == JAVA_LEGACY: data = data[7::-1] + data[:7:-1] return uuid.UUID(bytes=data) if subtype == UUID_SUBTYPE: return uuid.UUID(bytes=data) if PY3 and subtype == 0: return data return Binary(data, subtype) def _parse_legacy_binary(doc, json_options): if isinstance(doc["$type"], int): doc["$type"] = "%02x" % doc["$type"] subtype = int(doc["$type"], 16) if subtype >= 0xffffff80: # Handle mongoexport values subtype = int(doc["$type"][6:], 16) data = base64.b64decode(doc["$binary"].encode()) return _binary_or_uuid(data, subtype, json_options) def _parse_canonical_binary(doc, json_options): binary = doc["$binary"] b64 = binary["base64"] subtype = binary["subType"] if not isinstance(b64, string_type): raise TypeError('$binary base64 must be a string: %s' % (doc,)) if not isinstance(subtype, string_type) or len(subtype) > 2: raise TypeError('$binary subType must be a string at most 2 ' 'characters: %s' % (doc,)) if len(binary) != 2: raise TypeError('$binary must include only "base64" and "subType" ' 'components: %s' % (doc,)) data = base64.b64decode(b64.encode()) return _binary_or_uuid(data, int(subtype, 16), json_options) def _parse_canonical_datetime(doc, json_options): """Decode a JSON datetime to python datetime.datetime.""" dtm = doc["$date"] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $date, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) # mongoexport 2.6 and newer if isinstance(dtm, string_type): # Parse offset if dtm[-1] == 'Z': dt = dtm[:-1] offset = 'Z' elif dtm[-3] == ':': # (+|-)HH:MM dt = dtm[:-6] offset = dtm[-6:] elif dtm[-5] in ('+', '-'): # (+|-)HHMM dt = dtm[:-5] offset = dtm[-5:] elif dtm[-3] in ('+', '-'): # (+|-)HH dt = dtm[:-3] offset = dtm[-3:] else: dt = dtm offset = '' # Parse the optional factional seconds portion. dot_index = dt.rfind('.') microsecond = 0 if dot_index != -1: microsecond = int(float(dt[dot_index:]) * 1000000) dt = dt[:dot_index] aware = datetime.datetime.strptime( dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").replace(microsecond=microsecond, tzinfo=utc) if offset and offset != 'Z': if len(offset) == 6: hours, minutes = offset[1:].split(':') secs = (int(hours) * 3600 + int(minutes) * 60) elif len(offset) == 5: secs = (int(offset[1:3]) * 3600 + int(offset[3:]) * 60) elif len(offset) == 3: secs = int(offset[1:3]) * 3600 if offset[0] == "-": secs *= -1 aware = aware - datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs) if json_options.tz_aware: if json_options.tzinfo: aware = aware.astimezone(json_options.tzinfo) return aware else: return aware.replace(tzinfo=None) return bson._millis_to_datetime(int(dtm), json_options) def _parse_canonical_oid(doc): """Decode a JSON ObjectId to bson.objectid.ObjectId.""" if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $oid, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return ObjectId(doc['$oid']) def _parse_canonical_symbol(doc): """Decode a JSON symbol to Python string.""" symbol = doc['$symbol'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $symbol, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return text_type(symbol) def _parse_canonical_code(doc): """Decode a JSON code to bson.code.Code.""" for key in doc: if key not in ('$code', '$scope'): raise TypeError('Bad $code, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return Code(doc['$code'], scope=doc.get('$scope')) def _parse_canonical_regex(doc): """Decode a JSON regex to bson.regex.Regex.""" regex = doc['$regularExpression'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) if len(regex) != 2: raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression must include only "pattern"' 'and "options" components: %s' % (doc,)) return Regex(regex['pattern'], regex['options']) def _parse_canonical_dbref(doc): """Decode a JSON DBRef to bson.dbref.DBRef.""" for key in doc: if key.startswith('$') and key not in _DBREF_KEYS: # Other keys start with $, so dct cannot be parsed as a DBRef. return doc return DBRef(doc.pop('$ref'), doc.pop('$id'), database=doc.pop('$db', None), **doc) def _parse_canonical_dbpointer(doc): """Decode a JSON (deprecated) DBPointer to bson.dbref.DBRef.""" dbref = doc['$dbPointer'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $dbPointer, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) if isinstance(dbref, DBRef): dbref_doc = dbref.as_doc() # DBPointer must not contain $db in its value. if dbref.database is not None: raise TypeError( 'Bad $dbPointer, extra field $db: %s' % (dbref_doc,)) if not isinstance(dbref.id, ObjectId): raise TypeError( 'Bad $dbPointer, $id must be an ObjectId: %s' % (dbref_doc,)) if len(dbref_doc) != 2: raise TypeError( 'Bad $dbPointer, extra field(s) in DBRef: %s' % (dbref_doc,)) return dbref else: raise TypeError('Bad $dbPointer, expected a DBRef: %s' % (doc,)) def _parse_canonical_int32(doc): """Decode a JSON int32 to python int.""" i_str = doc['$numberInt'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $numberInt, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) if not isinstance(i_str, string_type): raise TypeError('$numberInt must be string: %s' % (doc,)) return int(i_str) def _parse_canonical_int64(doc): """Decode a JSON int64 to bson.int64.Int64.""" l_str = doc['$numberLong'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $numberLong, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return Int64(l_str) def _parse_canonical_double(doc): """Decode a JSON double to python float.""" d_str = doc['$numberDouble'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $numberDouble, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) if not isinstance(d_str, string_type): raise TypeError('$numberDouble must be string: %s' % (doc,)) return float(d_str) def _parse_canonical_decimal128(doc): """Decode a JSON decimal128 to bson.decimal128.Decimal128.""" d_str = doc['$numberDecimal'] if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $numberDecimal, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) if not isinstance(d_str, string_type): raise TypeError('$numberDecimal must be string: %s' % (doc,)) return Decimal128(d_str) def _parse_canonical_minkey(doc): """Decode a JSON MinKey to bson.min_key.MinKey.""" if doc['$minKey'] is not 1: raise TypeError('$minKey value must be 1: %s' % (doc,)) if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $minKey, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return MinKey() def _parse_canonical_maxkey(doc): """Decode a JSON MaxKey to bson.max_key.MaxKey.""" if doc['$maxKey'] is not 1: raise TypeError('$maxKey value must be 1: %s', (doc,)) if len(doc) != 1: raise TypeError('Bad $minKey, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,)) return MaxKey() def _encode_binary(data, subtype, json_options): if json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.LEGACY: return SON([ ('$binary', base64.b64encode(data).decode()), ('$type', "%02x" % subtype)]) return {'$binary': SON([ ('base64', base64.b64encode(data).decode()), ('subType', "%02x" % subtype)])} def default(obj, json_options=DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS): # We preserve key order when rendering SON, DBRef, etc. as JSON by # returning a SON for those types instead of a dict. if isinstance(obj, ObjectId): return {"$oid": str(obj)} if isinstance(obj, DBRef): return _json_convert(obj.as_doc(), json_options=json_options) if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): if (json_options.datetime_representation == DatetimeRepresentation.ISO8601): if not obj.tzinfo: obj = obj.replace(tzinfo=utc) if obj >= EPOCH_AWARE: off = obj.tzinfo.utcoffset(obj) if (off.days, off.seconds, off.microseconds) == (0, 0, 0): tz_string = 'Z' else: tz_string = obj.strftime('%z') millis = int(obj.microsecond / 1000) fracsecs = ".%03d" % (millis,) if millis else "" return {"$date": "%s%s%s" % ( obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), fracsecs, tz_string)} millis = bson._datetime_to_millis(obj) if (json_options.datetime_representation == DatetimeRepresentation.LEGACY): return {"$date": millis} return {"$date": {"$numberLong": str(millis)}} if json_options.strict_number_long and isinstance(obj, Int64): return {"$numberLong": str(obj)} if isinstance(obj, (RE_TYPE, Regex)): flags = "" if obj.flags & re.IGNORECASE: flags += "i" if obj.flags & re.LOCALE: flags += "l" if obj.flags & re.MULTILINE: flags += "m" if obj.flags & re.DOTALL: flags += "s" if obj.flags & re.UNICODE: flags += "u" if obj.flags & re.VERBOSE: flags += "x" if isinstance(obj.pattern, text_type): pattern = obj.pattern else: pattern = obj.pattern.decode('utf-8') if json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.LEGACY: return SON([("$regex", pattern), ("$options", flags)]) return {'$regularExpression': SON([("pattern", pattern), ("options", flags)])} if isinstance(obj, MinKey): return {"$minKey": 1} if isinstance(obj, MaxKey): return {"$maxKey": 1} if isinstance(obj, Timestamp): return {"$timestamp": SON([("t", obj.time), ("i", obj.inc)])} if isinstance(obj, Code): if obj.scope is None: return {'$code': str(obj)} return SON([ ('$code', str(obj)), ('$scope', _json_convert(obj.scope, json_options))]) if isinstance(obj, Binary): return _encode_binary(obj, obj.subtype, json_options) if PY3 and isinstance(obj, bytes): return _encode_binary(obj, 0, json_options) if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): if json_options.strict_uuid: data = obj.bytes subtype = OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE if json_options.uuid_representation == CSHARP_LEGACY: data = obj.bytes_le elif json_options.uuid_representation == JAVA_LEGACY: data = data[7::-1] + data[:7:-1] elif json_options.uuid_representation == UUID_SUBTYPE: subtype = UUID_SUBTYPE return _encode_binary(data, subtype, json_options) else: return {"$uuid": obj.hex} if isinstance(obj, Decimal128): return {"$numberDecimal": str(obj)} if isinstance(obj, bool): return obj if (json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.CANONICAL and isinstance(obj, integer_types)): if -2 ** 31 <= obj < 2 ** 31: return {'$numberInt': text_type(obj)} return {'$numberLong': text_type(obj)} if json_options.json_mode != JSONMode.LEGACY and isinstance(obj, float): if math.isnan(obj): return {'$numberDouble': 'NaN'} elif math.isinf(obj): representation = 'Infinity' if obj > 0 else '-Infinity' return {'$numberDouble': representation} elif json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.CANONICAL: # repr() will return the shortest string guaranteed to produce the # original value, when float() is called on it. str produces a # shorter string in Python 2. return {'$numberDouble': text_type(repr(obj))} raise TypeError("%r is not JSON serializable" % obj)